
Status: Status? Really? A status. On witty. Oh, alright.
Joined: December 13, 2008
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 60304
Gender: F

NUTZ004life's Favorite Quotes

You guys!..I'm starting to become legitimently

happy again!! Not like the happy where I'm

happy for a minute and then sad for a few days

and then frustrated because I can't figure out

why I'm sad. Not the kind of happy where I'm

filled with sadness underneath. I'm the kind of

happy where no matter what happens, I can

somehow figure out a way to make it to a

positive. I don't let things keep me down. I don't

have a bunch of sadness under all of this

happiness. I catch myself smiling for no reason.

I laugh at everything and I feel so carefree, like

the way life is supposed to feel when you are 15.

I'm so incredibly happy (obviously) with the way

my life is going. Yeah, it definitely has it's A LOT..but I've learned to think for

me and ignore all of the noise and just focus on

keeping myself happy.

I'm happy.


Oh Steve
" You are not ignoring anyone

When you ignore someone, their quotes won't show up in the lists of quotes. So if there is someone whose quotes you really don't feel like seeing all the time *cough*1D*cough*, you can ignore them. "
Oh Steve. I love you.

 A faithful husband was drunk at a party; he didn’t know what was happening around him. When he arrived home, he went straight to bed and slept. When morning came, he was amazed. Everything in his room was in order, and a tablet of aspirin and a glass of water were on his bedside table with a note saying, “Good morning honey, I have to buy groceries but I'll be back for dinner. Have your breakfast! Love you!” from his wife. He wondered why his wife didn't seem to be angry at him, even though he was so drunk last night. He asked his son, “What happened last night?  I got drunker than I meant to, your mom should be angry!” The son replied “When mom got home, you were still drunk and you were lying on the bed in your dirty clothes. She tried to undress you, but you said,'Stop, I'm married.’"

I found this on tumblr, but it made me smile like an idiot (:

                                   People who want long eyelashes:
                                   People who are born with long, curly eyelashes: Boys

shoutout to the 90s kids for being
the proudest of their decade for no apparent reason.


My boyfriends little sister is autistic.

Yesterday she couldn't sleep so she called me & I talked to her for three hours.
She told me about how all the kids at school make fun of her for her weight and looks and for being autistic and I told her she was beautiful no matter what.
Then after that she told me she wants to be just like me when she grows up and she never wants her brother and I to breakup because I'm like the older sister she never had.
We set up a scavenger hunt for my boyfriends birthday on Sunday. She's helping me put up all the clues that day and have it lead to his gift from me. I'm cutting out a hundred paper hearts and writing on each one, a different reason why I love him.


This is my crew.
Ignore Adam, he's new.

Those 7 - 12 year old singers on youtube
that make you feel like a sack of potatoes.
I follow back ^_^ 

Brother: * rocking out, head shaking to music ( acting like a punk rocker)*.
Me: Hey bro what are you listening to?
Brother: *can't hear me*
Me:* taps his shoulder*
Brother: *takes out an earplug* What?
Me: What are you listening to?
Brother: Adele.

When I get home from a vacation all I think is: 

"I can finally shower in my own shower, and sleep in my own bed!"
Or is that me?