
Joined: June 23, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 311249


Hey sunshine. I'm Zoe and I'm here to hopefully make you
breathe out of your nose heavier than you usually do.
I'm a proper brit; drink tea and everything. Starbucks sucks.
Hashtag Costa.
You can call me YolondoMcSwaglah if you wish.
Ciao, sunshine.
Summer2013 bucket list:
- get a cat
- go to the beach
- go to coral reef
- go to the really nice park with my friends
- discover new music
- live free
- look good in a bikini


Quotes by NiallsMofo

Whenever you feel stupid,

Just remind yourself that

you're not that girl who

Liam Payne

22 times.


Format by Sandrasaurus

You are beautiful
in every single way.

All this hate caused between One Direction quotes has got to stop. I'm a Directioner and yes, I do make quotes about them but why the need for hate? There is a 'celeb of the moment' category for a reason. Since when were we banned from writing about One Direction? What happened to freedom of speech? If you don't like the quotes, just ignore them and carry on, don't start hate. I'm sick of seeing 'One Direction don't care about you so stop making quotes it's annoying blah blah blah' . The boys love and care for us and we can do whatever we want. I'm not hating on the haters, I just want them to accept us for who we are - you may not like it, but you don't have to assume we are horrible and annoying just from one single quote. How do you think that makes us feel? Being hated on for sharing our love for the boys? Do you get a kick out of making us feel bad?
This fight has got to stop, Witty should become a loving, caring place.

Stop the hate and keep the peace

Won't stop 'til we surrender.

You are my only reason
for existance.
Trying to find some people to follow, so if you want me to follow you just comment and I will definitely follow you
omg I just finished a really good quote and it was more than the maximum amount of characters...


An awesome, hilarious, beautiful and legendary human being

Did you mean: yourself?

Some people just don't
 understand the concept of


It doesn't mean you can message me rapidly until I reply.
It doesn't mean you can be annoyed when I don't reply.
And it definitely does not mean you can assume I am ignoring you.

I'm not saying I hate you,

I'm just saying that if you got hit by a bus, I would be driving that bus.


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