
Joined: December 11, 2010
Last Seen: 1 year
user id: 138959

I like to be my own person.
I love my bowler hat... haha i haven't worn it for a while though
Im also learning fencing, spanish, magic, martial arts (JKD)....
I hate "preps" no matter how much I sound like one.
I can be a spaz sometimes
Quinn means Queen in irish gailic =]
I've been a tomboy most of my life, and for some reason, I want to change that now... get a more "girly" or feminine look. =P
I LOVE the "hipster" style, and I've been trying to incorperate it in my style more. (sweaters, tights, etc.) 
Im a techie- I love computers and html coding...
ASDFGHJKL video games.
I have a website, but Im not sure what to do with it yet.
I love animals- cats, dogs, owls, pandas... anything fuzzie and adorable
I'm really moody.... =]
I try to be friendly to everyone I meet!

If you need to know anymore than that go ahead and ask!

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QuinntheFreak's Favorite Quotes

Most Wittians have to atleast remember or know some of these:
Brandoncyrus days.
The "Big 2011 Witty crash".
DamnnTaylerx, Jayciecutie01 &, Jade672 ruled the top quotes section.
FramingMatthew is the most courageous, strongest &, amazing person on witty. (Nobody will ever take his place)

R.I.P Matthew. All of Witty misses you ♥

When not even one person talked about One Direction or Hunger Games.
AlNicholas was the ultimate Witty boy.
When Lollipopx3 wrote the best witty stories.
SocietyKilledTheTeenager is the strongest witty girl on here ♥
When the advertisements were never here

When we saved Witty Profiles from getting deleted! :D
When quotes came from the heart
When Witty was Witty

Where did this Witty go? :(
No hate comments, please.


Shoutout to the Sprouse twins
for being the only Disney stars that didn't start a singing career~

My mom thinks witty is full of old men.
 Please fave this if you're not an old man.

today i was an amusmant park with my school,
and i saw a hot guy.
so i pulled out a sharpie, 
walked over to him,
and said,
"can i test my sharpie on you?"
he shrugged so i took his arm,
wrote my number on it, and walked away.
i got a text a few minutes later saying,
"i think it works."
it is the year 1800
a little girl sees her brothers wearing trousers
she thinks trousers are really cool
she asks her mum if she can have trousers just like them
the mum thinks her daughter should be allowed to.
the mum makes the girl a pair of trousers.
"oh god what are you doing" everyone says
"trousers are only meant for boys" everyone says
"it will make her a lesbian" everyone says
"she needs to dress like a girl" everyone says
"she will get bullied by the other kids" everyone says

it is the year 2000
"i can't believe that there was a time when
they didn't think it was ok for woman to
wear pants!" everyone says

it is the year 2020
a little boy sees his sisters wearing skirts
he thinks skirts are really cool
he asks his mum if he can have a skirt just like them
the mum thinks her son should be allowed to
the mum makes the boy a skirt
"oh god what are you doing" everyone says
"skirts are only meant for girls" everyone says
"it will make him gay" everyone says
"he needs to dress like a boy" everyone says
"he will get bullied by the other kids" everyone says

it is the year 2300
"i can't believe there was a time when
people didn't think it was ok for a boy
to wear skirts and dresses!" everyone says

it is the year 2500
"i can't believe that people used to be
judged and restricted by the clothes
they wore and the gender society told
them they were," everyone says, "we
have much bigger issues to worry
about and what clothes someone
chooses to wear is really the least
of our problems."

that moment when you think your period is over
and you're like "praiiiiiiiiise jesus, life is good!!!"

and then half a day later your period is like,



i'm looking forward to 2060 , when all the white grandmas still have infinity signs/"forever young " tattooed on them.

today, tumblr taught me that if
you want to slash someone's
tires, don't slash all four, just
slash three, because if all four
are slashed, insurance will pay
for it, but if only three of them
are, they have to pay for it.


so today I found out that if you create a religion and at least ten people follow it, it becomes an actual legitimate religion.

i told my little sister about it and she says she wants to make a religion where you worship flying pigs.

can ten of you join the Religion of the Flying Pigs and make it happen?