
Joined: December 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 247726
Not important.
Why do you care?
Ah. Now we're getting there.

Think you know me? You probably don't. But if you would like to, I am happy to make new friends. This is my secret venting accountthingy. Pretty legit. I don't judge you until I get to know you. Then I decide if I like you or not. The choice is yours. But I hate people who hate on my friends. And people who lie to me. I swear too much, but we all have flaws, right? Having trouble dealing with anything, leave a comment and I would love to help you. I've been through my share of shit. remember, if they are tearing you down, you are already above them. I just made that up, but it sounded philisophical, right? ;)
You are beautiful. 
Believe it.
Oh, and this entire format is _RandomRequests

You used to shine so bright,
but I watched all of it fade.