
Joined: June 23, 2010
Last Seen: 7 years
Birthday: September 26
user id: 113333
Location: North East, US
Gender: F

ashweepitcher.tumblr.com • instagram.com/ashweepitcher

Quotes by Rawrxoxo31

Am I the only one
who gets

when people put
surveys in the
vent section?

Why is it that the people who have no  r e a l  problems at all
are the ones that  c o m p l a i n  the most?
There are people with it a  b i l l i o n  times harder,
you  n e v e r  hear them complain . . .  
not even  o n c e. 

I like to take things  s l o w.

I wanted to  g e t  t o  k n o w  y o u  fist.

But then she 
c a m e  i n t o  the picture.

As soon as you and 
y o u r  e x  b r o k e  up.

Not even 
o n e  d a y  and you choose her.

I warned you of  
t h e  c h e a t e r  she is.

I warned you of
 t h e  l i a r  she is.

I just 
w i s h you would have  l i s t e n e d.

You're constantly in my ear.
"Everybody hates me. Kill me now."
I tell you time and time again,
"It's not funny. Please don't
joke about that."
But you never listen.
Every thing's a joke
to you.
To you it might not be such a big deal...
but to me
It's something I have to deal with
every single day.

I couldn't wait to get to High school,
New school,
New friends,
New start.
What I didn't realize
was that even though I left that all behind,
I'm still the same person.
I thought I could start over new,
drop old habits,
finally be happy.
But I never could have been more

Me: Oh my god feel my hair!
Friend: Mmkay ... holy crap that's so soft!! what do you do to get it like that?
Me: Well I dye it, straighten it, tease it, basically treat it like shitt... ya know
Friend: Lucky bitchh
Me: Hahah :P

I really like my hair... :D

As simple as I can,
I'll tell you the difference between a

pencil and a pen and where it will leave us.
Now as your body lets you die,

I sit here still alive.

In my memory I wrote you down in ink,
I never wanted to erase your story
even with the tragedy it brings.

The fluid in your lungs that tells you,
you're losing,

stop breathing.
The medicine that comes

will fix you,
will help you.

But takes you from conscious to sleep
place my hands to face and weep

Emery - Returning the Smile You Have Had from the Start



Dear life,
I am writing to express my dissatification.
First. I didn't ask to be put here. You just went ahead and put me here.
And that started us off on a bad foot.
Given that rocky start, I'd assume you'd strive to be a good host...
but no. you fill this place with very unplesant surprises.
As if that's not enough. At some point I apparently cease to egsist in a manner that is most likely shocking, painful and/ or tragic.
Can you say RIP OFF.
Please provide a re-fund. Thank you.
mineee give credit paweesee

Scars = Tattoos with better stories.
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