
Status: Awesome and Proud!
Joined: September 28, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 332470
I love to sing, play videogames, and I want to be a movie director. Oh yeah, and I'm told I'm funny and positive. I also like stuff from  Marvel comics. 8D

Siren23's Favorite Quotes

Sitting in Social Studies minding my own business.
Boy 1: "Hey, loser!"
Boy 2: *looks*
Boy 1: "Ha ha, you looked!"
Me: *says really fast* "Loser says what?"
Boy 1: "What?"
Hey guys to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month wear pink tommorow! Fave if you plan on doing this!


Mand mbesfriend's conversation:
Her: I love Costco, they have everything there. Like, you could be all, "hey I want a unicorn" and they'd say, "well we only have them in bulk, but maybe we have some regular in the back with our water demons and inflatable cheeseburgers."
One time when I was younger at Walmart, I saw a boy dressed as Bat-Man riding around in a Barbie bike screaming. I really don't know why, but my advice is: Think before you do some things.
This quote does not exist.
Doesn't anybody feel bad for the villains in movies? Sure they're evil. But sometimes you can understand their problems. For example, the Avengers. Now, I don't understand why Loki felt the need to poke people with a spear and try to take over the world; but my friends and I decided to make September 17th Loki Day. And now the 17th of October is Lord Voldemort Day.
"I pityed them. Do you know why? Because most people will never know  than what they see with their own two eyes."
-Nightcrawler, X-Men2

The reason I like this quote is because it's true.

So my friends and I are at Chelsea Piers.
Friend 1: "Ugh, that girl threw a ball at me in the trampoline room."

Friend 2: "I don't like her. She's rude!"
Friend 3: "We can get her back later."
Friend 4: "Are you alright?"
Friend 5: "Don't worry, she will leave soon."
Me: "THAT'S A GIRL?!?"
True Story :D
I really thought it was a boy. I was not trying to be offensive. But it was still funny.

                         "Roses are Red,
Violets are blue,
I need to use the bathroom."
Patrick Starr, Spongebob