
Joined: January 4, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 259905
I'm just a cool chick, love to have fun chill with friends and just be me(: I love kids, get older on March 25, 1999[; If you think i'm hot or just want to get to know me hmu(;

Swagger324's Favorite Quotes

who wouldn't turn for Beyonce?
Dear, other crush,
                               i love your hair, i love your smile, i love how you always look at me? which is probably because of the fact that i look at you.. constantly, i just realised that this is pointless.. 
confession #1

i have an attitude :x i dont mean to sometimes just happens
This quote does not exist.
drop everything now meet me in the pouring rain

When the teacher forgets to remove something from the board that will help you for the test and the whole class gets excited....but then the frickin nerd reminds them :(

a person who trully loves you is someone who see's the pain in your eye's. whilst everyone else believes the smile on your face €€€:*

If you want a RAINBOW
then you got to put up with the RAIN

This quote does not exist.