
Joined: May 2, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 296947
hey there! i'm faith. i'm a social butterfly, and i get along with near everyone. i guess i'm kind of popular? i don't really like to categorize people. we're all gorgeous living creatures that deserve to be here, so i don't judge anybody! and if you ever need help, pleasee, come to me. i promise i can help. it might be hard alone, but we can get our boxing gloves on and fight together, okay? alright, if you want to know more, need help, or just want to vent, just comment on my profile, okay? bye hun!


ThatRandomRayofSunshine's Favorite Quotes

I got a top quote!
it may be on page 2386 for top this hour...
but it's still there!

Please read witty girls/guys.

hi witty girls and guys. if your takeing the time to read this, i love you. so just today a couple of my guy friends were hanging around this busy street in my town. they were being stupid and running back and forth across the street. well, one of them wasn't so lucky. he didnt get across the street in time and unfortchenly got hurt, meaning got hit by a car. everyone there was spechless. no one new what to do.. there was blood everywhere. his leg poped out and nocked himself out. ambulences everywhere. everyone there was crying there eyes out in shock. all im asking from you wittians, is prayers for anthony.

One like = one prayer

if you took the time to read this, then i thank you and love you.