
Joined: June 23, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 186585

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Love Quotes

Quotes by Thecreepnextdoor

Today my best guy friend of 6 years almost died from alcohol poisoning. 

He was puking, then foaming from his mouth, then twitching, then stopped breathing.


I was crying for over an hour straight.

But he is okay, thank God.

Fave this quote in the hopes of the stop of underage drinking
       Once upon a time;

You lied

I believed it.


It wouldn't matter if;

I erased the texts; they're still in my heart.

I erased the butterflies; they're still in my tummy.


I erased you number; it's still in my memories♥ 

Man; I sure hope we don't die in 2012.
I still have a lot of more living to do♥ 

As far as you know;
we're just friends
But to me;
I would  die for one chance </3

That's real funny because.. I never remember giving you a season pass to ride my boyfriend?

*Phone Rings*
My sister; Hello
My other sister's friend; Hello is Ashley there?
My sister; No she just left
*On the other line*
Ashley; Hello?!
My sister; HAHAHAHA!
Fave if your sister's friends are annoying too!(:

Is it just ME; 
                        Or are pinky promises the most SACRED thing on this universe  

i hate it when skinny girls think they are fat

I love how thanks to Tumblr & Twitter; it's not just okay to follow people. It's encouraged♥