
Joined: June 23, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 186585

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Love Quotes

Thecreepnextdoor's Favorite Quotes

everytime i see



don't be scared, it's only love that we're
falling in.

every girl has that one guy
she goes back to, heartbreak
after heartbreak. and no
one knows why, not even her.
This quote does not exist.

All i have to say is,

im in love with my bestfriend.

This quote does not exist.

I Just Noticed...
The cursor has a shadow

Click the heart if you just noticed (:

I can give really good advice.
I'm psychic.
Believe it or not.
But if you need advice,
I am right literally all of the time.
I predicted my brother's birth when I was four.
I predicted when my mom would get a job,
I predicted a lot of things.
So if you need a question on when something will happen,
Or what will happen,
I promise you I am not kidding around.
I am really good at this thing.
Need help? I'm here.

If you Love God..
Click the
If Not
keep scrolling. . . . . .

2,891 miles, 1 day and 22 hours.
that's how far away the girl i love lives from me. the only way i can see her "face to face" is skype.
for about 3 months now, i've been saving up to go see her, but i never got enough. so it sucks,
you know? not to be able to see the girl you're madly in love with whenever you want. but i just
talked to her on the phone for about 4 and a half hours, and she told me about how her dad is coming
to california (where i live) for a business trip, and how she told him about everything and that he said
he could take her with him to see me. they'll only be here for 2 days but i finally get to see meet her in
person and i can't even explain how happy and excited and just xtvgyhnjk. so yeah, on
December 19th at 9am, i'll see Haley for the first time, and hug her and just everything
i haven't been able to do these past 6 months. i know most of you don't care about this,
but i just wanted to express my happiness in a quote. lol. that's all. c':


To promote girls witty's

That normally don't get tops & deserve to, a few top quoters
& we decided we'd do a promo one ( or twice ) a week with 5 - 10 girls.
My list;


2. IxLovexStevex


 4. toothymonster

5. gravitate



8. laurenxoxo96

9. xolivelaghlveox


- please favorite to make this work & the tradition going.
you will have your week.
