
Joined: August 28, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 213008

Quotes by Walking_On_Water

Oh you have a problem with how society sees people?
You are society
Change it.


Meet Me in the Middle

Chapter Three

Lilly and I walked up and down the streets of Milton's campus.
"Ok so this is the art center and that's music. That's social studies..." She continued on pointing out different rooms and new things. I loved my roommate! She understood exactly where I came from.
"C'mon!" She said, interrupting my thoughts "We should go to the school store to get your uniforms and Student ID and stuff." Lilly was certainly full of energy.
"Uh sure. I need that stuff anyhow." I said.

I bought myself a couple of uniforms on my school credit card then got my student ID. I looked at my picture. My wavy brown hair was starting to frizz and my smile looked absolutely awful. I frowned.
"It's ok Kari. You'll 'lose' it while unpacking." Lilly said, just as some guys were walking in.
"Hey Lilly! Who's your friend?" Said the one with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair.
"This is my new roommate, Kari. She kind of has a bad girl reputation." Lilly smiled.
"Oh so you're mentoring again. Gosh Lilly, Head Mistress Lee really likes you. This is your third time mentoring and your only a sophomore." A brown haired boy said.
"Very funny." Lilly said nervously, "You got your stuff Kari now let's go."

My mentor? 

Meet Me in the Middle

Chapter One

Boarding school!? This could not be happening to me! I am a good kid (deep down at least). Big deal I got into a little trouble, it doesn't mean my parents have to send me to boarding school! And, it's in Massachusetts!
"Oh Kari, you'll love Milton Academy, it's just the thing you'll need for you behavior issues." My guidance counseler said with a gentle tone and a fake smile. 
"I don't understand why I have to go." I pouted, staring at my parents as I did.
"Kari," Principal Locke started to say, "You've been caught drinking and smoking on school grounds, you've been high in class, and you've been caught in cahoots with a boy in a supply closet. We're just worried about you."


There wasn't any arguments about that. My perfect parents were going to send there not-so-perfect daughter away to a school where she couldn't embarrass them. I may seem like that girl who looks like she has everything, but she's unhappy and just looking for a place to fit in so she acts out. Well, that's not me. My place is with the people who don't like the stick out. Not the nerds who get tormented, the popular people who get stared at, the preps who are so involved, and not my group of rich people either. All I want to be is invisible, I don't want to care. For awhile that was working for me. Then, my parents decided I should act like a model citizen and the only way to do that was to send me to Milton Academy.

"Are you packing now Kari?" My mother called up to me.
"Yeah Ma! I'm just packing up my clothes now." I caleed back down.
"Ok! Remember that our driver will be here to pick us up at 10 AM.:
"Yes Mom, I know." I sighed and threw in a pile of t-shirts.