
Joined: August 28, 2011
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Quote Comments by Walking_On_Water

Walking_On_Water 1 decade ago on quote #6768135
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A specific video? Just one??? So there isn't any others that could back that information up?
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justice4jahar 1 decade ago on quote #6768135
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Multiple. I guess what I meant was a video of a specific scene- the Watertown shooting. There's plenty that could back the information up. Trust me sweetie I have done nothing but research in my spare time since this happened. I know what I am talking about.
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Walking_On_Water 1 decade ago on quote #6768135
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Everything the government throws at us? In our country, due to our freedoms, the media doesn't have to follow what the government tells them to do. The fact of the matter is, I'd rather listen to MSNBC or Fox or CNN than search online for things that could be easily tampered with on the internet. I see your point, I would just rather trust valid sources.
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justice4jahar 1 decade ago on quote #6768135
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Who pays the media? The government. Who would punish the media of they said something they weren't supposed to? The government.
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Walking_On_Water 1 decade ago on quote #6768135
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I would just turn myself in if I were innocent because I have nothing to hide. Even if he's innocent, I think he must at least know something. Most people don't run from the police if they have nothing to hide.
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justice4jahar 1 decade ago on quote #6768135
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If you look at a specific video- if you look it up I'm sure you'll find it- you can clearly hear the Tsarnaev brothers trying to surrender, followed by gunfire. And not from them.
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Walking_On_Water 1 decade ago on quote #6768135
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A specific video? Just one??? So there isn't any others that could back that information up?
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justice4jahar 1 decade ago on quote #6768135
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Multiple. I guess what I meant was a video of a specific scene- the Watertown shooting. There's plenty that could back the information up. Trust me sweetie I have done nothing but research in my spare time since this happened. I know what I am talking about.
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Walking_On_Water 1 decade ago on quote #6768135
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Yeah I think a lot of guys like to hide from the police when they're innocent...
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Butterbear 1 decade ago on quote #6768135
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I'm not arguing, But let me ask you this: Have you done the research? have you stayed on the computer for hours JUST to study what happened and get all of the information? Well that's what my friend Jordan did. As well as me and my other friend Shine, we studied this. I'm sorry you believe everything the government throws at you, sweetheart.
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Walking_On_Water 1 decade ago on quote #6768135
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Everything the government throws at us? In our country, due to our freedoms, the media doesn't have to follow what the government tells them to do. The fact of the matter is, I'd rather listen to MSNBC or Fox or CNN than search online for things that could be easily tampered with on the internet. I see your point, I would just rather trust valid sources.
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justice4jahar 1 decade ago on quote #6768135
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Who pays the media? The government. Who would punish the media of they said something they weren't supposed to? The government.
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ShiningForever 1 decade ago on quote #6768135
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If you were watching TV and saw your name as the top suspect for a bombing, you'd run too, wouldn't you?
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justice4jahar 1 decade ago on quote #6768135
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I would hide too if I was suspected for a bombing, was unarmed, and had thousands of men with guns chasing me.
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Walking_On_Water 1 decade ago on quote #6768135
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I would just turn myself in if I were innocent because I have nothing to hide. Even if he's innocent, I think he must at least know something. Most people don't run from the police if they have nothing to hide.
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justice4jahar 1 decade ago on quote #6768135
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If you look at a specific video- if you look it up I'm sure you'll find it- you can clearly hear the Tsarnaev brothers trying to surrender, followed by gunfire. And not from them.
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Walking_On_Water 1 decade ago on quote #6768135
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A specific video? Just one??? So there isn't any others that could back that information up?
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justice4jahar 1 decade ago on quote #6768135
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Multiple. I guess what I meant was a video of a specific scene- the Watertown shooting. There's plenty that could back the information up. Trust me sweetie I have done nothing but research in my spare time since this happened. I know what I am talking about.
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Walking_On_Water 1 decade ago on quote #6478327
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I'd be jealous, but you miss out on winter break because it's your summer vacation
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Sunny1703 1 decade ago on quote #6478327
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They still get Winter Break (probably), it's just during our summer vacation...
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summerbutterfly 1 decade ago on quote #6478327
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Walking_On_Water 1 decade ago on quote #6368017
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I think that people don't give Obama enough credit. The problems had was because of the last president, and even though he made some worse, it's kind of difficult to make something better with nothing to help you make it so. But I understand where youre coming from, I don't think either of them will make a huge difference either way
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Walking_On_Water 1 decade ago on quote #6032583
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I would like to add something, to what I said. I feel like even though you found this, the Bible contridicts itself so much. I would also like to say that the people telling you to "go die." are ridiculous. By no means should anyone go die due to their ideas.
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Walking_On_Water 1 decade ago on quote #6032583
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Although I am aware that this is in the bible, and many people do agree with it, I don't. Christians follow God and although the Bible is one of our ways to feel close to them, God is not the one who wrote the Bible, his followers did. I truly believe that the Bible teaches us lessons about life, God, and ourselves; however, the people who wrote this were merely human and therefore were likely to add their own opinions. I am wondering if you did read the Bible on your own or found this somewhere though, because I've read alot of the Bible and don't remember seeing this. I think you have a lot of guts to say this, but in the end, if you truly are a Christian, then you will understand that in the end, it is no one's choice but God's. He and He alone knows the truthfulness and falseness that comes along with the Bible. He makes the final decision. Just try and think about that. please.
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Walking_On_Water 1 decade ago on quote #5618354
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You just made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. You don't need to feel trashy, everyone and I mean everyone makes mistakes<3333
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Walking_On_Water 1 decade ago on quote #5375898
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I'm not trying to argue, but this quote kind of bothers me. It's just because Romeo and Juliet although based for entertainment, was not a comedy, but a tragedy. Technically during Shakespearean times, comedies merely meant a happy ending. Although Romeo and Juliet is my least favorite of his work, if you study other things he's written, its quite obvious that this was actually supposed to be a tradegy. Most of his comedies actually included sexual inuendos and dirty jokes. I'm studying and analysizing this play intensely in my English class. It is a love story, although I believe completely exaggerated, I wouldn't exactly say it was this. And besides, in movies, plays, books, ect. time is a little more obselete. West side story was based on Romeo and Juliet and no one would say that was a stupid comedy. That was a true tradegy and romantic love story. I think that by watching those and seeing the Romeo and Juliet play, people get a better understanding of Shakespeare's logic as he wrote this.
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Walking_On_Water 1 decade ago on quote #5066437
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so many!
Finnick odair and Rue
Mufasa. Jack.
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