
Joined: November 24, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 135848

Heey there beautiful<3

The name just so happens to be Kiley(:
I'm 13 years youung&getting wiser everyday. Bahahaah jk.

Music is my cure for everything.

Purples mai favorite color beeteedubbs. ahah. :]

My other account is mwahhxoxo.<3

_SpeakNow_'s Favorite Quotes

who else
hates it when you find an amazing layout for your witty profile, but then it screw up all your quotes formats...

I wish Taylor Swift
was my older sister,
because she'd be the
best sister
all mine. We love you Taylor!(:

On December 21, 2012, 

I want to get a text message saying;

'If the world ends today, I want you to know I love you'

She's  been broken ; 
let down too many times.

her  heart's  seen  pain

i never knew existed.

she's built up walls to keep herself safe

and at times she feels worthless.

anand sheshe thinks she'll  never be perfect,

but i'd have  to disagree.

even if she's  not  perfect  to anyone else,

she's perfect to me.


Yes, I may be a teenager;
But I still watch Disney Channel&Nickelodeon.
[♥ ] if you do too. (:

My Mom smokes. She said if this gets 350 favorites,, she will finally stop smoking So please.. favorite this. It would mean the world to me.

I love how if our school is on


We go outside and watch it

This quote does not exist.

I love all you witty

girls. Your there for me
and support me
like a best friend would
even when my Best
friend is up There.

And you guys are
beautiful no matter
what that guy thinks


And yes this quote was meant to be ugly. Because beautifulness is just a factor not a plus. Pull yourself inside out so you can show your true colors <3