
Joined: December 16, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 251229
Gender: F
Im 14 years old I love hanging out with friends and family. I love soccer for Venom, and go hunting with my dad. I love to listen to music. I love all my friends they are like family to me they are always there when I need them I love you guys!!!!!!!! My favorite color is blue and green. I love my life, and every one in it, And I love Having my Birthday on 
All of my friends are:
Dyllon, Megan, Hannah,Taylor, Marah, & Payton.

aadamschacon894's Favorite Quotes

That "Aww Shiz" moment when you finish painting you're nails and you go to do something and you mess one up!

I wasn't that drunk.......

       Dude, you threw my parakeet at my piggy bank and screamed "ANGRY BIRDS!"

*low battery*
*low battery*
*low battery*

Well apparently you 
have enough battery
to remind me every
2 frickin' seconds!

Not my format

I put fashion shows on for myself.
Because let's face it I'm a gorgeous beast!

(: Senior Bucket List :)

1. Drink blue gatorade out of a windex bottle.
2. Eat crushed oreos out of a flower pot.
3. Learn how to surf in Navajo Lake.
4. Learn how to do a bicycle kick.
5. Dress up like Lady Gaga and walk around town.
6. Start a flash mob consisting of 15 people.
7. Glow in the dark soccer/ capture the flag with glow paint.
8. Solve a rubics cube.
9. Make a movie of secret agents for a whole day.
10. Fry eggs and bacon on the sidewalk.
11. Reach speeds of 15 mph
12. Watch 10 movies in one day

I'm the type of person...
that tries to fall back asleep to finish a dream.

If Barbie is so popular.....
Than why do you have to buy her friends?

Some of us were dropped as a baby.....

But YOU were obviously thrown in a pit of vicious tigers, Kicked to the curb, set on fire, and drop kicked to China!

what if birds aren't singing...

they're just screaming because they're afraid of heights.