
Joined: November 3, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 131848

heyyy theree :) im sarah and I
love love love *darren criss* and avpm
I am always
geekin out on the flute, clarinet or piano with my best friends ana and nina.
If im not doing that, you can find me reading
fanfi  c  s or watching disney movies!!!
cuz im just that awesome


So uh, here's an update to this, four years later... I'm not getting rid of the top because wow. 2010 Sarah. Throwback. Jeez.

always_wishing's Favorite Quotes

anyone else....
seen AVPM?


sorry. don't feel like making it pretty. just wondering if theyre are any AVPM/Darren Criss obsessed people like me xD

Dear World,
Please watch
all of A Very Potter Musical,
and THEN we'll
talk about how sexy
Darren Criss is.

Starkid Fangirls
Favorite if you loved Darren Criss
as Harry Potter first, not Blaine.

This quote does not exist.
Me: mommy, my stomach hurts really bad.

Mom: maybe you're in labor? like that one show, "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant."

Me: yeah, or that one show, "I Didn't Know I Wasn't a Virgin."






and if my phone didn't need 
to remind me every 5 seconds that i have 'low battery'
it'd probably die a heck of a lot slower. 

Love me or hate me
both are in my favor. If you love me I'll always be in your heart. If you hate me,
I'll always be on your mind.

-William Shakespeare


See you later, alligator.

In a while, crocodile.

In an hour, sunflower.

Maybe two, kangaroo.

Gotta go, buffalo.

Adios, hippos.

Ciao ciao, brown cow.

Adieu, cockatoo.

Better swish, jellyfish.

Chop chop, lollipop.

Gotta run, skeleton.

Bye-bye, butterfly.

See you soon, raccoon.