
Joined: September 9, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 371277
Gender: F

amira_2013's Favorite Quotes

So today I reached 100 followers. I know compared to a lot of people on here it isn't very impressive but it means a whole lot to me. Thank you guys so much. Really. It means a lot that you even considered following me and that you took time to even check out who I was and look past my crippling awkwardness.

I love each and every one of you. 
*internet hug*
*Government shuts down*
Queen: Time to reclaim the colonies!!


I don't know if you've ever felt like that.
That you wanted to sleep for a thousand years.
Or just not exist. Or just not be aware that you do
exist. Or something like that. I think wanting
that is very morbid, but I want it when I get
like this. That's why I'm trying not to think. I
just want it all to stop spinning. If this gets
any worse, I maight have to go back to
the doctor. It's getting that bad again.
Love always,                                                        

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