
Joined: January 19, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 265494
There's really not much to say. Let's just go with- i love witty because it's so easy to relate to. :)

angela2698's Favorite Quotes

Guy 1: "So, how's the elevator buisness going?"
Guy 2: "Oh, it has it's ups and downs."
Reach for the moon; even if you miss you'll land among the stars.


has anyone ever sat down and thought
about how depressing romantic movies are.
i mean, two strangers are acting like theyre in love.
and its pretty convincing.
so i wouldnt say 'i want a love like the movies'
unless you want fake, made up love.

You have the right
to leave someone.

But at least tell them why,
cause what’s even more painful than being abandoned
is knowing you’re not worth an explanation.

This quote does not exist.

Teacher: If you have 10 chocolate cakes 
and someone asks for 2, how many do you

have left?

Me: 10

Teacher: If somebody forcibly takes 2 of

the cakes, how many would you have left


Me: 10 and a dead body.

*At the eye doctor trying on glasses*
Me: but moooommmm these ones make me look like a nerd!!!
Mom: You are a nerd!!
Me: no, I'm a geek, there's a difference.
Guy next to us: *bursts out laughing* 

true story

Me: Mom, everyone's going.
Mom: Be a leader, not a follower.
Me: I'll just lead myself into the kitchen and get some food.
Me: And then I'll lead myself to the computer and sit there for hours.
Me: I'm going to start a new trend called "let's get fat and be internet addicts."
Me: Cause I'm a leader, not a follower.
Your mom:
Honey Boo Boo:
Channing Tatum:
You're hot.
Me: What?
Mom: What?
Channing Tatum: Can you please lead yourself into my bedroom?
Channing Tatum:
This is me being a uh leader and uh leading myself into Channing Tatum's bedroom and never coming out.
Me: Cause remember? I'm a leader, not a follower.

True story.
Okay, maybe the last part didn't happen, but we all know he was thinking it.

i farted in the apple store and everyone was mad;
it isn't my fault they don't have Windows.

Today a guy in my class told us that he's gay and wanted everyone to know because that's who he is.
My teacher nodded and told us that if we had any other personal news to share, we should do it now...
And this really quiet kid stood up, announced he was sexually attracted to owls, and then sat down.

We aren't allowed to share personal things in class anymore.
