
Joined: April 26, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 169352
I am currently 17 years old. I attend Warwick Vets High School. I am a junior there, it is the hardest year of school ive ever experienced. Just saaayin'. I love music it is my life! <3 but im here for anyone who needs advice :)

brianer's Favorite Quotes

Click the heart,
If you love when guys run their fingers through their hair. ♥

Aftea fight,
99% of people will calm down
and think over what happened
1% will siaround anthink
of better comebacks that they
could have used
fave if youtha1%. (:
when you talk to me, im at lost for words.
when you look at me, i get butterflies.
when you hug me, my heart skips.
when you hold my hand, i hope you will never let go.
+& when you say i love you, i just want all those feels to last ♥
  We should all start to live before we get too old .
Fear is stupid and so are regrets .
♥ Marilyn Monroe
they say that
the best things in
life are free.
girls are like ovens it takes them awhile to warm up
but a guy is like a microwave, push a button and they are ready to go.


mine so dont jock :D
the codes that make witty go round(:
black backround ; <div style="background-color: black;">

spacing of lines closer ;<div style="line-height: 10px;">

make text squished together ; <div style="letter-spacing: -3px">

make text HUGE : <span style="font-size: 215pt; line-height: 115%">

To make a dotted border....
<div style="border: 2px dotted white; width: 582px; height: 200px;">

To make a hot pink backround....
<div style="padding: 10px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); position: relative; background-color: hotpink; text-align: center;" id="textDivBG" class="controlsStyle">

to make a black backround...
<div style="padding: 10px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); position: relative; background-color: black; text-align: center;" id="textDivBG" class="controlsStyle">

to make a solid border....
<div style="border: 2px solid white; width: 582px; height: 200px;">

to make a dashed border....
<div style="width:582px;height:200px;border:2px dashed blue;">

to make a medium blue backround....
<div class="controlsStyle" id="textDivBG" style="padding: 10px; background-color: dodgerblue; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: center; position: relative;"><span style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span style="font-size: x-small;"><span style="font-family: Arial;"><br />

to make a light pink backround....
<div style="padding: 10px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); position: relative; background-color: pink; text-align: center;" id="textDivBG" class="controlsStyle">

to make a blue backround....
<div style="padding: 10px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); position: relative; background-color: blue; text-align: center;" id="textDivBG" class="controlsStyle">

papyrus<font size="5" face="Papyrus">TYPE HERE<

french script
<span style="color: #000000"><span style="font-family: 'French Script MT'; font-size: 36pt">TYPE HERE<

Vladimir Script
<span style="font-size: xx-large"><font face="Vladimir Script">TYPE HERE<

</span><span style="color: #000000"><font size="7" face="Cambria">TYPE HERE<

-<span style="color: #000000"><span style="line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Georgia', 'serif'; letter-spacing: -5.6pt; font-size: 38pt">TYPE HERE<

Blue Shadows =  <span style="text-shadow: 1px 3px 9px blue;">
Red Shadows = <span style="text-shadow: 1px 3px 9px red;">
green Shadows = <span style="text-shadow: 1px 3px 9px green;">
Orange Shadows = <span style="text-shadow: 1px 3px 9px orange;">
Yellow Shadows = 
<span style="text-shadow: 1px 3px 9px yellow;">
Pink Shadows 
<span style="text-shadow: 1px 3px 9px pink;">
black shadows = 
<span style="text-shadow: 1px 3px 9px black;">
Purple Shadows 
<span style="text-shadow: 1px 3px 9px purple;">
Hey I'm Christopher
And I've only had this thing for a little bit but I've been reading through these quotes and I just want to say... I NEVER knew that girls felt that way! If you fave this quote, I'll write something nice about you on your comments on your profile. But you might wanna comment too because I won't be able to tell everyone who favorites it. All girls are pretty. Especially the one reading this.
