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hi, it's swann and randi & we're writing a collab story, hope you like it~
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Quotes by collabz

The Final Cry
 Jessica's POV
Chapter 11.

Today, my brother came home from the military. That's why we're going out for dinner. As soon as we walk into the resteraunt, I see him, standing in the parking lot, in his uniform, waiting for us.
"Michael!" I squeal and run to him, and jump into his arms.
"Hey, squirt. You get prettier every day." he chuckles, giving me a huge hug.
"Hey Mom, Dad." he says, kissing my Mom on the cheek and shaking my Dad's hand.
"Let's go!" Mom exclaims, and we walk into the resteraunt. A pretty waitress, way prettier than me, leads us to a table. I sit down next to Michael, and Mom and Dad sit across from us.
"What would you guys like to drink?" she asks.
"Water please." I say. She takes everyone else's orders, then goes to get them.
"So, how's your boyfriend Jess?" Michael asks. I sink down into my seat and look to Mom.
"They broke up Mike." she explains.
"Really? Why?!" he exclaims.
"It was a bet. To date me." I whisper.
"Well I'll beat that kid up for you squirt," he says, clapping his hands together. "Nobody hurts my little sister."
"Thanks Mike, but it's okay." I say.
She brings us our drinks, then asks what we want for dinner.
"Salad please." I order.
After we eat, I excuse myself to the bathroom, and throw up. I wash up, feeling much better than before.
We go home, and it's late at night.
"Goodnight J," Mike whispers, hugs me, kisses my cheek and leaves.
I smile and lay down in my bed, and cover myself up. There's a few more texts from Jayson. I delete them, and fall into a surprisinly good night's sleep.

so, how do you guys like it so far? if you'd like to be notified for the next chapter or have any feedback, comment on our profile! thank you for all your faves, comments, & support. we love you all♥

The Final Cry
 Jayson's POV
Chapter 10.

I remember only 2 weeks ago when I would text Jess and she would respond in less than a minute. How could it be only two weeks? It seems like an eternity since our relationship was like that. Now, I realized, she's ignoring my texts and calls. I don't know what I was thinking. If I were her, I wouldn't answer my calls either. I'm a worthless pig. And then it dawned on me. If Jessica wouldn't pick up her phone, I'd just have to see her in person. I knew I had to do it soon, so I planned to go the next day.
"I'm going to fix everything in one day" I said to just myself just as I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.
The next day I would face my fate. I walked a few miles until there was only one left to Jess's house. "You can do this." I said to myself with great fear. After repeating this sentance a few more times, I finally felt confident enough to approach.
"Hey Jay. Where ya goin'"? I heard behind me. I turned around and found none other than Cole.
"Ugh nowhere. Just.. uh taking a walk." I find it funny that my brain never works the few times I actually need it.
"Why? It's about to rain. Why don't you come over to my house. I just got Diablo! We can play and you can stay for dinner to! Come on," He said. What else could I say but "Okay sounds great! thanks."
The only good thing about going to Cole's house was that we had to pass Jessica's house. As Cole rambled on about the amazing new features of his game, I took a quick peek up at Jessica's bedroom window.
Wait.. Is that a shadow of her? And another guy? Are they...? They're hugging!
I'll never forget that image. It stayed with me all night. 

so, how do you guys like it so far? if you'd like to be notified for the next chapter or have any feedback, comment on our profile! thank you for all your faves, comments, & support. we love you all♥

The Final Cry
 Jessica's POV
Chapter 9.

"Jessica?" Mom called from downstairs.
"Yeah Mom?" I answer.
"Come down here."
I run downstairs, to find her waiting in the kitchen.
"Tonight, you, your father and I are going out for dinner. You'll have to dress nicely, and be ready in an hour." she instructs, whisking me away back upstairs.
Out for dinner? Oh no no no no.
I sigh. I can't say no, or she'll get suspicious of me.
I go into my closet and pick out this outfit:
I take a quick shower, then put the outfit on.
The dress looks beautiful on me now that I'm kind of skinny. I paint my nails, put on some makeup, and do my hair in loose curls.
I grab my iPhone and my headphones, stick the ear buds in my ears, and crank up some music.
"You look beautiful honey!" Mom cooes. I laugh because I know she's lying.
"Thanks Mom." I shake my head and walk to the car.
I look at my phone. 10 new texts, 7 missed calls. Wow, I haven't looked at my phone for a while.
4 of the texts are from Jayson. I sigh and delete those without even looking.
The rest are from Jordyn, Julia, Jackie and Lilly.
Are you okay?
Jess? Please answer.
Wanna hang out today?
You missed girls night.
Where were you?
Don't talk to us again.

We're done with you Jessica.
I sigh as a tear slips out of my eye.
I'm sorry. I text to all of them.
Immediatly I get texts back.
It's not okay this time.
Sorry doesn't cut it.
You're just an attention wh0re.
I said don't talk to us again.

I quickly dab my eyes with a tissue as my parents come out, careful not to mess up my makeup.
"So how come you haven't hung out with Jayson?" Dad asks.
"We broke up Dad."
"Really? Why?"
"It was a bet. Him dating me."
"I'm so sorry baby." he comes back and hugs me.
"Thanks Dad." I reply.

so, how do you guys like it so far? if you'd like to be notified for the next chapter or have any feedback, comment on our profile! thank you for all your faves, comments, & support. we love you all♥

The Final Cry
 Jessica's POV
Chapter 8.

I can do this. I thought to myelf. I shouldn't have eaten that sandwich, so it's up to me to pay the penalty. How can anyone love a fat girl?  I pondered while hovering over the toilet. I had thrown up last week after eating, and I haven't eaten since. That is, until 2 hours ago when my hunger gave into me and I made myelf a sandwich. I wouldn't have even done it, but my mom was now home from visiting with my grandparents. 
Who am I kidding? She didn't even notice me eating. She was too busy on the phone trying to make a new business deal. I bet she barely gave me 2 looks since she arrived home 3 days ago. 
   I was still contemplating whether to throw up or not so I looked around. The first thing I spotted was my hideous reflection. Again. It seemed to be the only thing I noticed these days, and within a few seconds of    staring, I started to cry. The next thing my eyes found was the gift I bought myself last night. The latest issue of Sports Illustrated. The Swimsuit Edition. Seeing the thin model on the cover only made me realize how disgusting my fat body looked.
Without a second thought, my finger ran down my throat and I instantly puked up everything I had previously ate. It felt good to finally be getting thin.
This happend every night for a long time, and within a few days, I didn't even have time to think about what I was doing because my finger automatically found it's way down my throat.
In 3 days, I lost 7 lbs and added 10 cuts.
And I finally felt good enough. 


so, how do you guys like it so far? if you'd like to be notified for the next chapter or have any feedback, comment on our profile! thank you for all your faves, comments, & support. we love you all♥

The Final Cry
 Jordyn's POV
Chapter 6.

"I swear she'll be here! Jess has never missed one of our Friday night girls nights." I told my other best friends Julia, Jackie, and Lilly.   
"Well, she hasn't exactly been keeping her promises lately has she?" Jackie announced directing her sentance at Lilly
"Nope. I still can't believe she stood me up yesterday when we were supposed to go dress shopping for my very first date!" Lilly added
Julia nodded in agreement. "and she could have at least called before deciding not to show up to my house for our tutoring session! Without her, how am I ever going to pass summer school?"
"Guys, really?" I said. "You know she just got dumped by Jayson. She must be taking it pretty hard." I was obviously the only one still on our best friends side.
"They broke up over a week ago!" said Jackie, the boy crazy one in our group. She could get over a boy in a few hours, as soon as she saw a new hottie walk by. "Stop making excuses for her Jord. She's obviously changed. She thinks she's too good for us or something."
"You should know Jordyn," snapped Julia, obviously getting frusterated with me. "I mean, she missed our tutoring session on Wednesday, stood up Lilly with her dress picking yesterday, and ditched all of us today. But that's nothing compared to what she did to you."

"Please don't talk about that." I whispered more to myself than to them.
   "You can't ignore it forever. She missed your birthday party! Your 15th birthday that you've been planning since February." hissed Lilly.
I stood silently for a while and prayed they didn't see the tear trickle down my cheek. I still couldn't believe Jess missed one of the most important things in my life. 
The rest of the group was obviously done with talking to me about her. "If you still want to defend Jess after what she's done to you, that's your choice. But we're done with her. So it's us or her" Julia demanded.
Lilly and Jackie nodded in agreement.
The bad memories of my best-friendless birthday party must have taken over because suddenly, I couldn't remember anything good about Jessica at all; only that she ditched us way to many times and I was sick of it.
"Let's go guys." I said. "She obviously isn't who I thought she was." and with that I walked into the food court. The others smirked and followed.
And that day was the last day I ever thought twice about Jess.

so, how do you guys like it so far? if you'd like to be notified for the next chapter or have any feedback, comment on our profile! thank you for all your faves, comments, & support. we love you all♥

The Final Cry
 Jessica's POV
Chapter 5.

 I got this high feeling. The pain felt so good, I didn't want it to stop. I didn't want to keep thinking about Jayson.

I've heard that cutting is painful. Cutting. I'd promised myself I'd never do it. But now it's the best option.
I quickly run down to the kitchen, realizing mom left, leaving a note on the fridge.
I left for Grandma's house, she's sick.
I'll be back in 3 days.
- Mom

No I love you, be safe, don't do anything stupid. No nothing. I rip the note from the fridge and tear it to shreds, tears welling up in my eyes again.
"She doens't care about me!" I scream as I rummage through the kitchen, looking for something, anything, to take away this pain.
"No one cares about me!" I scream as I take a sharp knife.
"No one would care if I did this!" I whisper as I slide the blade across my wrist.
I draw in a deep breath as the sharp pain courses through my arm.
This pain is like nothing else. It hurts, but it feels good.
For once, my mind is completely free of Jayson.
All I think about is the warm crimson blood dripping from my wrist onto the bathroom floor.
I smile, and slide the blade in a new place, leaving another cut.
I leave cut after cut, until my arm feels numb.
I realize that I've slid down and am now sitting on the floor, little pools of blood all around me.
I get up, wash the knife, and put it back. Then I clean up the blood from the floor, and throw the towel in the garbage.
I run upstairs to my room, and put on my PINK hoodie, then realize that I haven't eaten since yesterday at dinner.
I walk downstairs, and make myself a sandwich.
Once I'm done eating it, I walk back up to my room, passing a mirror.
I stop, and look at my reflection.
No, that can't be me. I won't let it.
I groan in disgust, and run to the bathroom, sticking my finger down my throat, throwing up my lunch.
That's better. I smile, and walk back into my room, sticking my ear plugs in my ears, covering myself in a blanket, and dozing off to sleep.

so, how do you guys like it so far? if you'd like to be notified for the next chapter or have any feedback, comment on our profile! thank you for all your faves, comments, & support. we love you all♥

The Final Cry
 Jessica's POV
Chapter 4.

 "why?" That was the one word I had repeated to myself that entire night. Actually, for the rest of my life. It was such a simple word composed of only 3 letters, yet it seemed to completly sum up my entire life.  Why did he break up with me? Is it becaue I'm fat? Because I'm ugly? Why was I born ugly? Why didn't I work out last summer with my mom like she kept suggesting? Why did I fall in love with him? Why couldn't I see this comming? Why?

I just kept repeating it in my head for hours on end. After being locked in my room for 5 hours, I realized that I really had to pee. So even though the last thing I wanted to do was walk around, the powers of mother nature were too strong for me, so I got off my bed and moped down the hall into the bathroom. The first thing I noticed when I walked in was the mirror. No, not the mirror, my reflection. 
Was I really this hideous monter looking back at me? My emotions went numb as I stared at the beast in the mirror; mocking me with its horrid apperance. Not long after, my numbness turned to uncontrollable anger and with top speed I ran up and slammed my fist into the mirror on the wall. As I sunk lower and lower to the ground clutching my bleeding fist which was starting to sting, I only had one thought on my mind. The pain. And for some odd reason that is just unexplainable to anyone who has never experianced the sadness I had, the pain felt ... good. Because for once, I wasn't thinking about Jayson.
This is how it started. If only I could say this is where it ends as well. If only.
Looking back, I only have one comment: 

so, how do you guys like it so far? if you'd like to be notified for the next chapter or have any feedback, comment on our profile! thank you for all your faves, comments, & support. we love you all♥

The Final Cry
 Jessica's POV
Chapter 3.

 I run up to him and grab his arm. "Wh-what?" I whisper.
"Do you not understand English? WE'RE. DONE." he sneers.
"But, why?"
"B-because. You're an ugly freak, and I never liked you anyways! I asked you out as a bet!" he screams.
I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes.
"So I was all just a game to you?" I whisper.
"Correct! And you know what I got? $100!" he retorts.
"I-I thought-" I start.
"Yeah, I know what you thought. You thought that we were going to last forever, that nothing would ever go wrong. But you thought wrong Jess-Jessica. I don't love you, I never did. Leave me alone!" he snarls, shoving me off him, making me fall to the ground, and running away.
I sit there on the ground, watching him until he's out of sight.
Was this real? I pinched myself to wake up. "Ouch." I mumble.
I stand up, and walk over to a bench. I hug my legs up under my chin and start bawling my eyes out.
 "Jess? Jess!" I hear my best friend, Jordyn, shout. She runs up to me, and pulls me into a tight hug.

"What happend honey?" she cooes.
I tell her everything that happened, and by the end, she's crying too. Just not as hard as me.
"Jess.. Come on, let's go home." she whispers, and takes my arm.
"No." I snap.
She lets go of my arm. "Okay, call me when you want to talk. Love you." she says softly before walking away, back to our other friends. I hug my legs again, burying my face in between my knees.
I've never felt so broken.


so, how do you guys like it so far? if you'd like to be notified for the next chapter or have any feedback, comment on our profile! thank you for all your faves, comments, & support. we love you all♥

The Final Cry
 Jessica's POV
Chapter 2.

 "Okay, I'm ready," I said to Jayson as he paced in front of the log on which I sat on. "What's the big news?" I was really excited. Jayson was always a mysterious person, but that was my favorite thing about him. Last time he told me he had big news, he acted all sad and worried, which got me really freaked out. But it turned out he was only acting and in the end surprised me with a huge party for my 14th birthday! It was that day that I realized I was 100% in love with him. I could only imagine the surprise he had planned for the first day of summer!

"Why do you look so happy?" he snapped bitterly at me. Had I been smiling? Oh, I gues I had been. I rarely knew when I was smiling because I was always happy. 
"Nothing silly, I just love being with you," I replied trying to conceal my smile.
At that moment he glared at me for a really long time. He seemed to be studying my face for a while before he turned his back on me and faced the lake. He mumbled something I didn't quite hear. 
"What was that baby? I couldn't understand you," I asked.
"I SAID WE HAVE TO BREAK UP!" he screamed and ran out.
He did the one thing I never thought he would: he left me all alone.


so, how do you guys like it so far? if you'd like to be notified for the next chapter or have any feedback, comment on our profile! thank you for all your faves, comments, & support. we love you all♥