
Joined: May 19, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 360547
Gender: F

danielleperez2016's Favorite Quotes

My son doesn't really have a choice.
                                                       He WILL be an athlete.

I Hate my life I Just Don't Wanna Live Anymore I Want To End My Life

Oh! Ok Wait

Got My Internet Connection Back..
I'm Happy Now..!!

i find it really strange how one minute, everyone on this website is like, "yeah! feminism! these are our bodies and we can do what we want with them!" and the next minute, the top quote of the day is about someone publicly mocking a girl on facebook for wearing a (small) bikini, and all the comments say that it's hilarious.

when you get a cute text from a cute
person and your heart does the thing


a little girl asked my friend about her religion today and said “are you jewish or chrismas’

I don't know what's worse, being in love with a fictional character or being in love with a celebrity.

But I mean, at least with a fictional character you know it will never happen. With a celebrity there's a tiny part of your brain wearing a tin foil hat, slowly rocking back and forth, and quietly whispering "It could still happen."

I can't think of anything worse 
Than hating the person who everyone else loves.
This quote does not exist.
I'm not afraid
to take a stand,
everybody come take my hand,
we'll walk this road together,
through the storm,
whatever weather,
cold or warm.
This quote does not exist.