
Joined: March 30, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 287919
hi guys :) im new to witty and yes, i am a real guy. my names devon, im 14, and please dont get on here and tell me that im gay because i have a witty. i got this because my friend jenna has cancer and the other day she asked me to make a witty. since then, shes been really sick and i havent gotten to tell her i made this, so im going to have some quotes to show her when shes feeling better. get well soon jenna we all miss u!

devdabomb's Favorite Quotes

 just announced a hairless Barbie doll
so little girls with cancer could feel


*gives me hope* 

today is my birthday and nobody knew, not even my parents
fave this if u wish me a happy birthday


Teenager - noun:
someone who is well-prepared for a zombie apocalypse,
but not ready for tomorrow's math test.



-I just had to say goodbye to my brother-

He's leaving for the navy tomorrow morning. I dont know when im going to be able to see him again. He's not only my brother, but he's also my bestfriend. He has been my bestfriend for 14 years. Whenever me and my parents fight he's always the one to make us laugh and forget about everything. We would always play xbox, go to the gas station and spend $20.00 on junk food, and watch movies till 5 in the morning almost every weekend. I cant imagine my life without him. I miss him already.

I love you, Jerry.
Stay safe<3


Can i get a few faves for my brother? I just need to know someone cares...


You want an allstate girl that'll make sure you're in good hands, not a geico girl that's so easy a caveman could do her.