
Joined: January 23, 2014
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disneyromantic's Favorite Quotes

She may be beautiful 
But her words and actions
Are nothing but ugly


WittyProfilesHowto: WittyProfilesHowto:

Here are a few sites to help make your quotes "pretty"

The site right below is where you can find PREMADE quote backgrounds , I did not make this site but you might find it very useful!

Below is a site to make text colorful:

To To make your own backgrounds for quotes here is the code you just have to plug in the color id
here is the code :


which u can get from this site :
H You just need to delete the putcodehere typing and replace it with the color background number id you want to use !
Need anymore help feel free to leave me a comment!!




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There once was a man from Nantucket,
Who kept all of his cash in a bucket,
But his daughter, named Nan,
Ran away with a man,
And as for the bucket, Nantucket.
I am made of sunlight, crashing waves and fireworks
You think you can tame me and cool my flesh?
I am the girl who plays with matches and trust me I play it well
my hearth is a bushfire
the next time you try to control me
I will burst our and ravage you in flames
So people wouldn't be afraid of spiders if they could just talk to them, you know?

Me: Oh, hey whoa, this shower is occupied.
Spider: Omg man I didn't see you there.
Me: We cool?
Spider: Yeah, yeah, we're cool. I'm just coming down to scope out the tub.
Me: Oh, that's legit. Hey, you might wanna move over some--you're descending right into the shower stream and I don't want you to drown.
Spider: Hey thanks, bud. I'll be careful.
Me: So...can I get out now?
Spider: Sure, sure! Sorry I'll just move over here.
Me: Thanks. You have a nice night. Don't come into my bedroom, okay?
Spider: Nah, that's your space. We're cool. Have a great evening.

I imagine spiders to be very polite for some odd reason XD

      We ll maybe i do like him

and its ok now because she wants to break up with him



just smile and wave boys
just smile and wave.
This quote does not exist.

do you stop believing in the moon,
just because the sun comes up?

~ Jack Frost


the snow glows white

((on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen. A KINGDOM OF ISOLATION, AND IT LOOKS LIKE ))

»I'm the queen.

//////the wind is howling like this swirling storm inside. ♥