
Joined: April 19, 2012
Last Seen: 7 years
user id: 293603

Quotes by eatpaintwrite

Well, Witty...
It's sure has been awhile, hasn't it? 
Should we talk about how screwed up everything is, first?

Bored? Like to read?

Try it, you might like it. 
Yes, I'm desperate. 


I'm not great, I'm even good. 

But, I try.

Why don't you give it a shot, too?

Be the person who dies knowing they did something to be proud of.

Bored? Like to read?

Try it, you might like it. 
Yes, I'm desperate. 


Goodness, the world is in for a wake up call.
Everyone needs to realize that we're all screwed up in our own ways, but that's what makes up who we are.
I'll be honest you can change yourself, but you shouldn't have to. If the world has a problem with you, well then the world has a problem

I can't even stress how annoyed I get with the hurtful comments. To you jerks who say those things, is that the type of person you want to be? Do you want to be the person whose hurt other people? 

When you die and yes people, it will happen, do you want to die knowing you've done nothing to be proud of? 

I just don't understand. When I was little, the worse thing you could do was call someone ugly. What happened to that? When I was little, if you didn't have anything nice to say, you didn't say it at all. Now, people walk around saying every horrible thought that crosses their mind. 

And I'm not saying don't speak your mind. Go ahead, but honestly some people don't even stop to think. Your thoughts are your thoughts and you don't have to control your thoughts, but you sure should try to control your mouth. 

The world needs fixing, but it's not going to happen if people keep being cruel. 
The world doesn't need cruel. The world needs clarity. 


I don't know how to inspire.
I don't know how to make people listen, but I will. 
The world is going to remember me.
The world is going to miss me when I'm gone. 

A lot of people don't care about how others are.
They may act like it, but some people just do it to feel good about themselves. 

 I'm from a land where society eats you alive, most girls hate themselves, and most guys do the stupidest chiz ever. To be honest, I want to fix that. That is my goal. I will fix that. People see me as the girl who just doesn't care, but honestly I care if people I don't know die. It's heartbreaking to know that someones family is grieving the lost of a loved one who took their life because life was too much. I've never had anyone close to me die, so I don't know the pain, but I fell like things like that shouldn't happen. People shouldn't feel unwanted, and hated. People shouldn't feel like they need to die. People should feel loved. You may not feel loved, but to be honest. I love you. I love the world. I can't help it. I'm not going to judge someone because of appearances, that's just crazy and cruel. I want to know who defined beauty because they need a reality check. Beauty is something precious. Something that is fragile and meant to be handled with care. Beauty is life. Everything around us. The world has made us believe that skinny is beautiful, and if your not skinny your not beautiful. Fudge that. Your beautiful. Life is beautiful. Tumblr, Facebook and Witty are three completely different social networks, yet on each there are girls and even guys who feel so unloved and unwanted. It's hurtful to see that. It's taken an impact on me. It makes me want to help. Me, a careless, sarcastic girl who does nothing but things for herself. I just hope that some people know they are not alone. There are people like me out there who the same way. Your not hopeless. No one is. 

I'm going to do the impossible. 
I'm going to make sure I live a full life. I've always thought the whole "YOLO" situation was kind of stupid, but it's true. You never going to get a another chance at life. You never know when your time is up. Life hands you things and most of the time you just throw them away. I'm done doing that. I'm done being the girl that slides through life. I may be careless and happy, but I'm not living a life that's worth remembering. I want to be remembered. I want to make an impact. I want to help people. I want to do something that changes the world. I'm going to make people happy. Or at least try. I want to be the person people look up to. I want to be the person people go to for help.  I feel like everyone has a purpose. I'm not about to let mine go. I'm going to be the girl that is beautiful inside.  I'm sick of worrying about looks. I want to change the world. I'm going to change the world.

I'm going to do the impossible