
Joined: April 19, 2012
Last Seen: 7 years
user id: 293603

eatpaintwrite's Favorite Quotes

Friend: On a scale of 1 to 10, how obsessed are you with Harry Potter?
Me: Nine and three quarters.




I was on this girl's witty,
one of her quotes said to grab the nearest book to you,
go on the forty fifth page,
and read first sentence
to find out how your relationships would go for the year.
The nearest book to me was 1984 by George Orwell.
The first sentence:
simply disappeared and never heard of again.

Phineas and Ferb lied.
i only have 74 days of summer vacation.
format by julietechoecho<3 

Does anyone else
Keep an extra tab open in case their parents come?

"I wouldn't want to be anybody else!"

Well my dear Selena,
If I was rich,famous and dating Justin Bieber, I probrably wouldn't want to be anyone else either.

2012: Hey I just met you and this is crazy, but here's my number... so call me maybe.

1800's: Greetings. I just had the pleasure of your encounter and the experience is mind boggling, but I shall give you a piece of paper informing you of how you can contact me... so please consider talking to me.

Going swimming, 

& Doing that swim where it feels like you're a mermaid from H2o.


If I ever become a highschool teacher, I will staple a McDonald's application to the back of every failed test.

Is Witty going green?,
because I'm seeing a lot of reused quotes!

Man drowning :
Cheer Leader Drowning :

♥ if you get dis !