
Joined: April 23, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 168043
Gender: F
Status: Feeling Ignored & Alone by the One I Love (/.^)

-Name: Daphne .
Age 16 , & Follow ? c:



iRawrCupCakes's Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.

If you could take a pill,
to kill you instantly,
without any pain,
would you?


Sometimes i wonder if people look at me andthink
"She's Fat."


So my friend and I have been arguing wheather I can sing or not for like the past month. I thought about making a video of me singing and putting it on youtube to get some other peoples oppinions. If i get at least like 15-20 favs ill do it


I just woke up one morning,
and couldn't take the pain anymore.

things end. but memories last forever.
Almost Merry Christmas Everybody


I'm lost Without you...




&aslong as
    you're with me, the rest of the world could disappear and I wouldn't care


the little things in life:

acing a test you didn't study for. coming home to realize your mom went
grocery shopping. taking a shower after working out.  laughing until
you can't breathe. 
when you catch him staring. getting a text from some-
one you haven't talked to in awhile.
 opening a card and having money fall out.
 when someone complements your outfit. getting the answer right when
the teacher calls on you and you weren't paying attention. 
getting in
the shower and having the water be perfect. 
wearing a new outfit to school.
the butterflies you get when you hear his name. having no homework. 
knowing all the lyrics to a song. 
when the quiet kid outsmarts the popular kid. 
having an awesome teacher. when something makes you laugh out loud.
when a lot of people like your status. those deep conversations with people who
  the smell of apple pie. when he smiles at you, but thinks you
don't see. having a great comeback. when you have a great hair day. looking at the
stars. knowing more than the teacher. whipping your hair to "Whip My Hair".
being the only one to be told a secret. 
when everything just goes right for once.

my quote , format credit goes to: anonymouss.