
Joined: September 5, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 215774
About Me
Heey the names amber(:
I'm 14 years young & loving it
I blow out the candles on september 22
Softball is my life & my team is my family
Sam, Sasha, & Lindsey are my bestfriends
Ive been hurt so many times its hard for me trust
But ill give anyone a second chance but i garuntee there wont be a third
But in the end im a pretty great girl so get to know me(:
September 5, 2011
Had a great time last night
having a movie day with sasha cause its rainy today:/
Ahhh only 1 more days till school
I dont want summer to end yett!!!


itslove213's Favorite Quotes

Yeah There's Other Fish In The Sea;
But I'm kind of into humans.

Dad: What would you do for my daughter?
I'd die for her!
Dad: I don't like you...
Dad: I'm looking for someone who would live for her, not someone who would just die and leave her alone.
credit: confessions_of_a_cutter
 I'm sorry that I will never be
your idea of beautiful.



Woah, what happened?
Well, I was all like "Come at me bro..."
Yeah.. and?
He did.


the most quotable movie ever made

We should all take lessons from crayons.
Some are beautiful, some are plain,
and some have weird names,
but they all learned to live in the same box,
so why can't we learn to live in the same world?