
Joined: October 18, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 91482

jackskellyyy's Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.
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l___l       idk just made it up but it rox :]
use your head, but live in your heart.
I was in his arms, and he was kissing me,
and everything was fine. More than fine.
Everything was perfect. Because he loved me.
Why is it that we always go for the guys we can't have??

srry just questioning  life
When I woke up, I knew today was going to be a good day.
I  threw  on  my  favorite  t-shirt  and  an  old pair of jeans.
I put my hair into a ponytail  and  only  put  on  chapstick.
I actually took  the  time  to  sit  down  and  eat  breakfast.
When I walked down the halls,  I was smiling.  As I passed
you,  I saw you look up in wonder.  "Hey," you said to me,
" You  look  beautiful. "
Fake friends ask you for food
Real friends are the reasons why you DON'T have food.

~Doungbagai [bestayful]

<33 likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim

- m o v i n g - o n - i s - s i m p l e, -
it's what you leave ---->
behind that makes it so difficult.

This quote does not exist.
The worst thing is holding on to someone who doesn't want to be held on to. Don't fall for someone unless they're willing to catch you. The thing about falling in love is that if you do it right, you'll never hit the ground. Life is too short to be anything but happy. So kiss slowly, love deeply, forgive quickly, take chances and never have regrets. forget the past but remember what it taught you. Sometimes you just have to smile, pretend everythings okay, hold back the tears and walk away. If you want to see the rainbow you must go through the rain. If you want true love you must go through the pain. Women were made from a mans rib, not from his head to be superior, not from his feet to be walked on, but from his side to be equal, from under his arm to be protected, and from next to the heart to be loved!!