
Joined: August 19, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 326081
Gender: M

luke_jacobs's Favorite Quotes

You know, the right guy won’t change you. he won’t subtly pressure you. he won’t tell you who you can and can’t talk to about the two of you. he won’t hide the fact that you’re hanging out. he’s not going to tell you you’re wrong for feeling, for being a girl. the right guy will show you off to his friends. he’ll take it as slow as you want. he’ll only go as far as you’re comfortable with. he’ll take you out to places, even if it’s just a fast food place or the store. he’ll actually sit through your stupid girly Disney movies with you because he wants to watch them with you. the right guy will come along someday. you just got to tough it out and wait for him. but whatever you do, don’t settle. you deserve so much more.<3

Lol So True: #26
When I'm in the movie theather, I always finish the popcorn before the movie starts.

It was something I used to do since everyone else was doing it.
I used to only do it at parties or something.
Then, the addiction got deeper.
I was doing it more and more often.
I went from a pack a week to a pack a day.
My parents had a problem supporting my addiction.
Since these things add up
They would take away the pack.
But I would sneak some of my moms....


Day 9,

Dear Someone I Wish I Could Meet,
Demi Lovato.<3 you have kept me here through everything. you showed me how to stay strong and how to keep fighting. your my idol. you put a smile on my face wherever i see or hear your name.<3 thank you for showing me everyones different and everyone deserves to be here. thanks demi. I LOVE YOU<3

P.S. happy birthday beautiful<3

Let's just take a moment here to say
Happy 20th Birthday to Demi Lovato.
Because I know she has been a big inspiration and influence on me and my sister, especially.
So happy birthday Demi.
You've come so far in life and I know everybody is so proud of you!
Keep up the good work < 3
You know i might have lost you as a "best friend" but I'll never lose the guy you once loved and my guy best friend of 3 years. You know why because at one point or another the true "best friends" realized what a complete waste you were to life. And guess what.. they moved on together.♥

I can now say everything in my life is going as planned, and its all because of you coming back into my life.<3

Don't worry your karma just hasn't bit you in the a** yet.<3

Anyone else?

Admit it, we've all...

1) Liked somene you couldn't have

2) Has someones number in your phone when the other person didn't know that you had it.

3)pretended our fingers were "guns" and shot someone

4)googled lyrics to find out the songs title.