
Status: wtf ^x^
Joined: April 27, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 295405
Gender: F

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im sixteen 3/4.
:D hai. 

hi, my name is melody.

(+) concerts, bonfires, nutella, kittens, raves, grey eyes, photography, fireworks, tacos, eyeliner, dressing up, rain, smiles, over sized hoodies, and vodka.
(-) shady bitches, drama, pickles, tight shirts, plain bed room walls, education, apple juice, summer, annoying kids, and deathly afraid of planes.

Quotes by mel0dy

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or i will kill off the narwhal species.

water fights on hot afternoons

walking barefoot in the grass


butterflies in your stomach

compliments from strangers

lemon smoothies

being on time

late night showers

catching up with old friends

snow globes

when people tell you they miss you

feeling pretty

having a clear conscience

pet stores

cold water to drink

little crushes

kids sitting in book store aisles with a book


looking forward to things

being brave enough to do the right thing

pretty rings

big breakfasts

being confident

clean sheets

reading old messages

b r e a t h i n g 

-What are you happy about?-


Too Often
we don't realize what we have until it's gone.

Too often we're too stubborn to say
"I was wrong."

Too often it seems we hurt the ones closest to our hearts.

And we let the most FOOLISH things
tear us apart.

I could be whatever you want.
you just tell me what you want,
and I'm gonna be that for you.

The Notebook

Sometimes the eyes can
say more than the mouth