
Joined: November 19, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 134692

mogar123's Favorite Quotes

My nemotto:
If it won't matter in ten years, it's not worth worrying about now.
For all of you who think bad
doesn't come from the
need to be "Perfect"
Lucifer was once an angel.


Just a quick question..
I'm new.

Will I get obsessed?

Dear Spongebob,
You live in Bikini Bottom and you're super absorbent.
You're a tampon
Lost and insecure 

You found me.

“When life gives you free nachos, you don’t question it.”
                                            — Drake Parker

I love how everyone else is watching superbowl and im on witty instead

please don't make me think there's something when there's nothing.



i want clothes with built in toilets
lets make this happen
diapers jim
is what you're thinking of diapers

Hit me again.
I'm still breathing.
  Come on "Dad"