
Joined: May 2, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 359143
Gender: F

mstellaallisonxox's Favorite Quotes

how i feel during school:

(hover over)


hi i'm gonna tell you something that you don't wanna hear
That boy? He's not thinking of you. He's moved on.
If you think he's craving your kiss & sitting around
missing you, ( you're dead wrong ). He's not wishing 
she was you. He's happy with his new girlfriend.
Do something for yourself & move on. There's no use
in having your heart hurt over someone who isn't even
thinking twice a b o u   a   s w e e t   g i r l   l i k e   y o u.
You can do better than him, but he can't do better than you.
My boyfriend describe me like:

She’s hurt, mentally and emotionally. But everyday, she walks with a smile, because that’s who she is, the girl who never stopped smiling

I can't promise that you won't

get hurt, but I can promise that you will get better♥

She built her walls so high,
just so he could tear them down again.
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