
Joined: July 31, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 118850

kaiden was here on 412.


 dearpeople, this is the type of girl who is soft-hearted everyday, cares way too much about other but herself, and loves to be happy and smile even when she's down. she's not the type of girl who will use you in anyway, or the type that won't let you down. she likes unicorns, me, fairy-tales, faith, and god. all of her friends mean a lot to her. it doesn't matter what they do or say, she will love them through infinity and beyond. this is the type of girl who will always be there for you, even when she's the one who made the midtakes. she keeps her promises when needed. she never tries to hurt one person, even if that person isn't in her life, or just plainly hates her. she's the type of girl who will put her all in anyone, not by look or what they are, just by WHO they are. she has faith and trust in everyone. this girl is not perfect, but she's not imperfect. she's herself, and won't change for anyone.

sincerely, kaiden.
don't leave your witty open cutie.
21307 forever.