
Joined: March 19, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 284932

mztoreo's Favorite Quotes

If I die don't cry
I'm not really dead, you know, it's the nostalgia I left behind
I'm only dead when you have forgotten me

 And if I die, don't be sad
 I'm not really gone, you know
it's the desire I left behind
I'm only dead if you have forgotten that

And if i die, don't cry
I'm not really dead you know
it's just a body I left behind

 I'm only dead if you have forgotten me 

Format by Sandrasaurus

In loving memory of my great-great grandmother Germaine, PeeJay, Marian, Bucco, Paloma

I hate  how I know EVERYTHING about you ,
and you don't even know my name..
do not be afraid of greatness. some were born great, some achieve greatness and other have greatness thrust upon them..♥