
Joined: January 28, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 348210
Gender: F

Quotes by noonespecialjustmerh

It's terrible. Having a "best friend" who is embarrassed by you. Who doesn't make the effort to start the conversation with you. Who cares more about people who she's never met more than you. I just want to tell her that I'm sick of it. Sick of her. But I know if I do, she'll make my life a living hell. She deletes all my instagram comments on her photos all the time. She spends more time making those who dont even care about her happy than those who do. I'm sick of it.
My name is Mary, my age is not important. I've been feeling down lately. It started on December 12, 2012. I cried for two nights in a row. And since then, I've been getting an overwhelming feeling of sadness. And it won't go away. Nothing makes me happy anymore, and if anything does, the feeling doesn't last. I've been feeling worthless and there are days where I'd just like to die. I just want to get away from everything. And before anyone says I'm attention seeking because this is my first quote, I'm not. I used to have an account but I left. I needed to vent. I searched up the symptoms of depression and I have a lot of them. I told my mum but she thinks I'm being ridiculous and she won't take me to the doctor. I need help. And fast.