
Joined: April 5, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 289659

Hey darlings.
The name's em.
Fourteen years young.
April 1st is when it all began.
I'm a singer and an actress.
My boyfriend is my bestfriend.
Follow me?(:
also, on instagram:
and kik me:

i love you, you're beautiful.
never go through life without fighting for
what you believe in.

Quotes by runningintothings

if i were to have friends, 
          I would call you my best one(:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I don't have a f*ck
to give to you.



Brb, trying to be perfect for you.

hey darlings,
sorry i haven't been on in a while, i've missed you! I was wondering if you could maybeee...

comment if you have an instagram or gifboom, i'll check out your profile, and maybe follow you...


kik me, @runningintothingss

(remember the two s')


Here's to all the girls who aren't perfect.
all the girls who have cried themselves to sleep at night.
the girls who look in the mirror and only see flaws,
and who feel like they're not good enough.
Here's to all the girls who try too hard sometimes,
and wish they could be someone else.
the girls who cover it all up with a smile
and always answer "yeah, i'm fine"
even if thats a lie.
all the girls who care what people think,
even if they say they dont.
the girls who are extremely insecure,
and just want to be happy.
the girls who have cut in the past,
but have proved to be strong, and stop.
to the girls who are cutting,
or thinking about suicide.
the girls who don't realize how much they truly are loved and adored,
by those around them.
the girls who take all the bullsh!t,
even if its not in any way related to them
all the girls who go home,
and punch their pillow,
wanting everyone to dissappear.
the girls who are stronger than anyone thinks,
and the girls who have trust issues,
and dont know how to handle all the stress.
the girls who wear makeup,
because they dont see their beauty without it.
the girls who go through the hardest things,
but yet are the girls who appear the most "okay".
the girls who settle for less then they're worth.
because thats what they think they deserve.
here's to those girls,
you're beautiful.
inside and out,
other people are just caught up in society.
society is ugly.
but here's to the girls who can rise above that,
no matter what the pain.
to all those girls,
you give me strength to go on.
thank you.

it's long, but if you're insecure, i think its worth the read, and it might just brighten your day(: 

all minee.

His face.

there are 31,556,926 seconds in a year.

don't waste any of them being unhappy with your life



Before I Die,
i wanna buy a pet donkey.
and when people come over to my house, i can order them to kiss my as.s.



it's scary to think

how many of us

turned into the person we said we were never gonna be.