
Joined: April 12, 2007
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 45213

heyy! The names Steph, and I love to make quotes!! All I really do is barrel race my horse!! I am also very strong opinionated. I love to laugh and have fun! Comment me some time!
Listen here, for ppl who freak out about jockers...guess what this shit aint copyrighted so anyone can jock ur god damn quotes! I am so sick and tired of getting on this site and ppl bitchin about jockers...if ya dont like it then make ur own site and copyright ur shit!

soccerchic17's Favorite Quotes


is such a strong word.

I like to think of it as

"Surprise Adoption"

Ixsx.xixt xjxuxsxtx mxex?x
Or are sixth graders.....

Remember When  We Were Little
we would  say 
"Do you like him, or do  you
'LIKE-LIKE' him?"

I swear he's cute, hold on . . . 

'm gonna go learn Chinese
x__   so I can understand what the people giving me a pedicure are saying about me.   __x

Girls go to college to get more knowledge.
Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupid-er.

→[♥] if you just flashed back to when you were little.
" Is It Dead? "
" I Don't Know..."

" Poke It. "


i'm not just any stalker.
i'm your stalker! :)

[ btw. you're out of milk :) ]