
Status: i put a condom on my dog's tail C=
Joined: February 12, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 273322
Location: Chicago, IL, USA, North America
Gender: F

Quotes by squirrel690

"Do you think I've gone mad?"

"I'm afraid so. You're mad. Bonkers. Completely off your head. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are."

Format by Sandrasaurus

the crush challenge
every day is a different challenge

Day 1. their eyes
Day 2. their hair
Day 3. their complextion
Day 4. their personality
Day 5. on a scale of 1-10, how awkward are they?
Day 6. are you friends on facebook?
Day 7. do they have a witty account?
Day 8. are you completely obsessed with them?
Day 9. are you guys friends?
Day 10. on a scale of 1-10 how good of friends are you guys?

Day 10 Answer: 1000000 (broke da scale again <3)

the crush challenge
every day is a different challenge

Day 1. their eyes
Day 2. their hair
Day 3. their complextion
Day 4. their personality
Day 5. on a scale of 1-10, how awkward are they?
Day 6. are you friends on facebook?
Day 7. do they have a witty account?
Day 8. are you completely obsessed with them?
Day 9. are you guys friends?
Day 10. on a scale of 1-10 how good of friends are you guys?

Day 10 Answer: 100000000 (BROKE DA SCCALE C}:)

the crush challenge
every day is a different challenge

Day 1. their eyes
Day 2. their hair
Day 3. their complextion
Day 4. their personality
Day 5. on a scale of 1-10, how awkward are they?
Day 6. are you friends on facebook?
Day 7. do they have a witty account?
Day 8. are you completely obsessed with them?
Day 9. are you guys friends?
Day 10. on a scale of 1-10 how good of friends are you guys?

Day 9 Answer: yesh of course XD

the crush challenge
every day is a different challenge

Day 1. their eyes
Day 2. their hair
Day 3. their complextion
Day 4. their personality
Day 5. on a scale of 1-10, how awkward are they?
Day 6. are you friends on facebook?
Day 7. do they have a witty account?
Day 8. are you completely obsessed with them?
Day 9. are you guys friends?
Day 10. on a scale of 1-10 how good of friends are you guys?

Day 8 Answer: kinda :3 but its not like i STALK him lol we talk every day and hes in most of my classes so that made me fall in love with him :3

the crush challenge
every day is a different challenge

Day 1. their eyes
Day 2. their hair
Day 3. their complextion
Day 4. their personality
Day 5. on a scale of 1-10, how awkward are they?
Day 6. are you friends on facebook?
Day 7. do they have a witty account?
Day 8. are you completely obsessed with them?
Day 9. are you guys friends?
Day 10. on a scale of 1-10 how good of friends are you guys?

Day 7 Answer: no thank god cuz i've posted about him before and it includes his name :3

the crush challenge
every day is a different challenge

Day 1. their eyes
Day 2. their hair
Day 3. their complextion
Day 4. their personality
Day 5. on a scale of 1-10, how awkward are they?
Day 6. are you friends on facebook?
Day 7. do they have a witty account?
Day 8. are you completely obsessed with them?
Day 9. are you guys friends?
Day 10. on a scale of 1-10 how good of friends are you guys?

Day 6 Answer: yupppp c:

the crush challenge
every day is a different challenge

Day 1. their eyes
Day 2. their hair
Day 3. their complextion
Day 4. their personality
Day 5. on a scale of 1-10, how awkward are they?
Day 6. are you friends on facebook?
Day 7. do they have a witty account?
Day 8. are you completely obsessed with them?
Day 9. are you guys friends?
Day 10. on a scale of 1-10 how good of friends are you guys?

Day 5 Answer: lol uh VERY AWKWARD i would say like maybe a 9?

the crush challenge
every day is a different challenge

Day 1. their eyes
Day 2. their hair
Day 3. their complextion
Day 4. their personality
Day 5. on a scale of 1-10, how awkward are they?
Day 6. are you friends on facebook?
Day 7. do they have a witty account?
Day 8. are you completely obsessed with them?
Day 9. are you guys friends?
Day 10. on a scale of 1-10 how good of friends are you guys?

Day 4 Answer: really really REALLY quiet and kinda mean but if u actually take the time to get to no him u find out a lot of things that make u love him even more

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