
Joined: December 29, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 256870

superchocolateman's Favorite Quotes

Carissa975 liiikes tooo giveee me notifications, how suhweet of her,(;

NEW year
OLD me 

walking by a smoker


and coughing really loudly


wow now if I I don't click a heart I am a devil worshipper and I no longer believe in god
seriously witty give me a break I can believe in god when I want to and scrolling down a page won't change my beliefs

This quote does not exist.

This is my heart,
-> <3 <-
Do you mind holding it for a little while?
It seems to like you... :)

Stop starving yourself
Stop making yourself puke
Stop cutting, or burning, or any self harm
Stop caking your face with makeup
Stop putting yourself down
Why? Because you are beautiful, and even if you think no body else loves you, I do.


"Are you back talking me?"


" I'd rather be back slapping you if you prefer."


boys are nicer

when they arent with their friends.
yeep, this need to change.

lolzz follow me silly spidermonkey & ill follow back. :3


Want to hear a

joke about pizza?

Nevermind, It's too cheesy :D

format creds - tylerr.