
Joined: January 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 144002


               Hi, I'm a girl from Sweden who sees Witty as a fun escape from her ordinary everyday life



Quotes by theWorder

Who. the. hell. is. 

That awkward moment when...

That really fat teacher says she's

pregnant and no one believes it.

*Mine, I think, I don't know if it's already out there...*


Dear Rebecca Black, 
 Thank you, for your lovely song. Hahahah, I'm just kidding. I hate you. You ruined fridays for me. 
Sincerely, that one girl with a sharp knife in her hand looking through your window. 

 I was looking at this quote;
&& why is it that guys sweaters is so much more comfortable than our owns?

And my dad walked by and saw it. He looked at me and then said;
  As long as I will be that guy,
I'll pretend I never saw this.

Whenever I say I freeze he hands me his sweater without a thought.

>>MLIA, wohoo. You highlighted. Hehe. ;O<<




  There's this guy

So, I can tell him everything. We can talk for hours, without getting bored and we never had an awkward silence. Never. He let's me borrow his jacket. We can even share an umbrella without arguing, which to me, is a pure miracle. Our families know each other, so we've been on a several vacations together. I've known him since I was three, and I hope I'll know him for the rest of my life. Being with him makes me  really happy, I laugh all the time. 

  - We kissed once.

Now people go on and on and on about us being together. Which we're absolutely not. We laugh about it and make jokes.
   - But I can't help wonder...
  Do I want to be together? I mean, do I love him?

         Yes, I think so.

Will I ever tell him? Will I ever admit it?

No. I think not

|Should I listen to my heart?                                                                                                 

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Did you mean? Stupid question #1

Think about it;
there exist more than a million words. But it's always the same ones you hear, over and over again. There might be words no one knows exists. 
---- How many words is there, that always get left
---- How many words are the ones who actually gets
So my cell...

had 4% left, I was just about to charge it but... then it suddenly had 78%