
Joined: October 3, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 90405
i'm in love with the idea of love.

toffeecakes_xox's Favorite Quotes

You must understand
that   even   though   a
person loves you, you
must consider that fact
that you're not the only
one that makes him/her

 && *Here's to the moments
where we didn't think about right and wrong;
where we just l i v e d  , crossed our fingers,
and hoped for the best.

Don't  cry  because  it's over.
because it happened.
This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.
And i think i figured out what guys do at sleep overs...
"truth or dare?"
"i dare you to tell her you love her"
"but i dont."
"to bad you have to tell her"
Thats what i think they do!
If anyone 
             ever tells you that you are too young for love, just remind them that Juliet was only thirteen years old.
Don't judge a person
because of their past;

because people change
stages of a relationship:

not mine. click the

  Yes I like someone

&+ he is not the cutest guy in the world

but he is to me

&+ he has the most common color eyes (brown)

but they are gorgeous to me

&+ his smile is lopsided 

but it is adorable to me

&+ he's kinda shy

but he is sweet to me

&+ he is slightly awkward

but he is hilarious to me

&+ he is not perfect

but he is to me