
Joined: August 11, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 53488

I dont know what to write here..?

Quotes by trackrunner03

Forget rain..

I just got kissed in the snow


I miss you. I miss everything.. Every little thing reminds me of "us"
and what we had, yeah, we're talking again, but no matter if we are
or not, I miss you just the same. What does this say? I don't know,
do you? I was in another relationship for 5 months.. 5 MONTHS,
and i still thought of you.. everyday. Your beautiful eyes have got
me hooked. Your touch gives me butterflies, and my stomach
drops with every new message from you. I only feel safe when
I'm with you. My mind says to back off, I mean, we've been through
so much, but my heart says to go for it. What do you want?
I'm In Love With You!



It's sad you know

to see old friends get up and go
go here, go there,
no matter what they're everywhere,
fights and drama,
apologies are said
but through all the damage,
the friendship is dead</3


wrote this two in the morning,
not the best, but whatever<3

for the first time, i guess i'll admit it.
through all the bullshit you put me through,
i'm still madly completely utterly in love with you..
If I understood myself a little more, or if I knew where my life was headed, it would be a lot easier to make this. The things I do, and the things I say, don't even make sense to me. I have my good days, and I have my bad days, just like everyone else. I'm not afraid to tell you anything, so I guess you could say I'm an honest person. I honestly don't care what you think of me, I know a lot of people say that, but I mean it. I don't care. I'm young, so I have a lot more life to live and I'm not going to let little things get to me during my teenage years; they're supposed to be the best time of your life, don't let stupid things get in the way of that. You live one life, that's all you get. Wether its short, long, boring, eventful, whatever, you have one life to live; make it how you want to, because no one comes out alive. So laugh whenever you can, apologize when you should, let go of what you can't change, forgive quickly, take chances, and give everything; life's too short to be anything but happy. Someday everything will all make perfect sense. For now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason; I promise everything will work out. I take ideas from other people and make it my own; so I'm more creative then I am original. If you don't like the way I'm living my life, then don't be a part of it, it's as simple as that. I don't have time to make every single person happy, but I try my hardest. I put most people in front of myself, even though I know most people wouldn't do the same for me. I have a tendency to think about things more then I should, and I always think the worst of situations. I make mistakes everyday, I'm not going to lie. I live my life with no regrets; enough said. No matter how much I screw up, I learn something from everything that happens to me. I would say I am a very successful person, and some day, I'm going to make a name for myself.

- some girls about me.
i really liked it. soo i took it.
credit to whoever it was :)

what happened to "forever and ever"?
Knowing somethings going to happen doesn't make it less scary.
Being prepared for the end doesn't make it easier to let go.
But that's life. Love, Hate, Rage, Anger, Sadness, Depression.
Everthing catches us off guard and no matter how it effects us;
we love it. Because that's the best thing about life; not knowing
what your next step is, not knowing who's going to be there the
next day, or even who's going to make it to the next day.
So have fun, be sad, enjoy who you have with you, be yourself,
& live your life to the fullest; because sooner or later we all have to leave.

- i saw this in my friends friend lauren's
AIM profile, i think she wrote it <3

& I think its funny, how when I'm on the phone
with you crying, you just laugh and start yelling
at me to stop, which just makes me cry harder..
how come it seems that every
time I start getting over you,
and start liking new people
my phone rings, and your name
comes up and of course, I answer.
then you pull that whole "I love you"
"I'm sorry" "I'll call you tomorrow"
act.. and then everything changes.
I still " love " you too, but I just
want you to get out of my head.
you're just going to hurt me again.
I'm done, just leave..

-- yeah, this kinda sucks,
but i just needed to vent to someone