
Joined: September 23, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 220549

Quotes by ughhayleyshea

Apologizing doesn't make you weak.
It means your strong enough to face your mistakes
and your willing to do something about them.
I think the people who can't say their sorry
are the weakest ones.

I want you , so desperately .

There is a difference in loving someone and being in love with someone.

I know for a fact that I'm in love with you , but I wish I knew if you were in love with me too ..

I wish he treated me like he used to. You know , how he treated me six months ago. Like he never wanted to lose me , like I was the most amazing thing he had ever gotten. I remember , I will always remember how it felt to find new love. The best love. The kind of love where you could just lay with each other and not worry about the time or anything else in the world. Where every kiss was like the first. When every word that came from his moth made my heart race. I still remeber that. I would do anything for it to be like that again. Anything.
Guys , 
  Don't forget that Saturday is Sweetest Day  
so be extra nice to your girlfriends.  Trust me ,
they really deserve it. 
Don't search for love.
Let it find you. 

Don't apologize for how you 

feel .

Its like apologizing for being

real .