
Joined: November 13, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 237797

Please, calmZoe

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zoe966's Favorite Quotes

If you Fav. this, i will post an honest boys opinion on your profile.

If you dont like wht i say delete it, but you wanted me to be honest

This quote does not exist.


Dear crush,
don't be scared if a fat guy in a red suit snatches you away on christmas eve,
sincerely, you were on my wish list.

If you love someone you should tell them, right?
so how come every time I go to say it, I just can't? </3


Okay ,
Treat me like a princess. Be my friend for not even a year. Be the closest friend I could ever have, being with me through times both hard and easy. Let me share my secrets with you, stay up until 3 A.M with me texting. Then just dump me off for another girl. Replace me with a new best friend.

This quote does not exist.

If gymnastics was easy, it would be called football.

This quote does not exist.

That Awkward Moment
when your boyfriend reminds the dentist to be
careful because you gag easily.


So yesterday, he called me!
  No I'm not just kidding.
But it crushed my hope,
because it was an accident.
I answered the phone,
And he didn't say anything at all.