Story Quote #4527531
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Forgotten Three Jennie and Anthony started to slowly dirft appart.


Jennie and Anthony started to slowly dirft appart.  Anothony went to a thing in California because at the time they lived in Virginia because Anthony worked for the Marines and so he went to a training and cheated on Jennie.  Carter couldn't understand what she did. Carter thought it was all her fault.  Carter and her whole family moved to Arizonia and lived there for a year and a half then Jennie met a new man named Ian.  Jennie flew out to vist him all the time when Carter was in 3rd grade. Carter met Ian twice. Liked him because he was nice when she first met him.  Jennie married him.  Things slowly started to take a hudge turn for the bad.  The whole famly moved to California.  Ian was an officer for the California Highway Patrol.  Carter thought he was the most amazingest person in the world and envied him.

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posted December 5, 2011 at 9:06pm UTC tagged with story

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