Best Aliendroet Quotes Ever

your gold touched by Midas you're priceless and righteousness

four walls five miss calls every night you going out to fulfill the drought in your heart everything is all good till you start the walk from your front door too your bed room going too feeling like June to feeling like a tomb you know that no one can be the same and no one can say your name the way I did

People are not ridiculous for what they are but for what they want to appear
"character over beauty, in the end, the body is just the lining of what really counts"

Here is me, writing to memory, drawing out moments, making immortal a woman. A woman so full of scars, so full of dreams, so full of faith, so full of me and so empty of nothing. Months passed and I'm still here, depending on the strengths of my wigs, depending on me. And there she is, as sure as gold and as perfect as a Diamond.

sometimes we can not sleep but not for lack of sleep but because of abundance of dreams

Happiness is a state of mind not an emotion

just like an atomic bomb my heart will explode I had you in my palm now i just have you in this note Lost in the deep blue ocean

With the brain in the chest and heart in the head
To think; with love and love with more intelligence

Only God and the devil have the right to take souls away
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