Fckthis Quotes

so you know how on facebook everybody's like, "for a rate like my status!"
well someday I want to be like, "for a rate go to f/cking narnia find the magic blue leaf on the mysterious tree of harpsichords then smoke it then go on a spiritual journey with that boob lady from the simpsons movie and then drive to taco bell and get me three orders of cinnamon twists a chalupa and a large baha blast then you can have your god damm rate you lazy piece of shxt."
Day 7

It's been a few days since I've done this..

I wish I could say I'm fine and over it but I'm so far from it.. I cried today, in class -.- The kid sitting next to me simply said that a guy I was talking too sorta looked like my ex.. &I dunno I just lost it. I got all mad and defensive.. and I cried. I just... I can't seem to let it go. The second I think I'm fine I see him standing with someone else and everything just goes to sh*t. I don't wanna look at him, I don't wanna talk to him and I don't wanna talk about him. It sucks, why can't I let this go ?? It's been over a week and I cried in public -.- I never cry ar school. I just don't understand.. I miss him and I want so badly to just go give him a hug and for him to comfort me and tell me that everythigs okay, but at the same time I know I can't. I can't let him win like that. &I can't forget the way he treated me.. I can't forget how sh*tty he made me feel.. but I do. I've let go of all the bad feelings I had towards him and all the mad memories go, and I'm tortured with the good ones everyday. It's almost impossible going to school, I don't focus.. I hate having to see him everyday, because it hurts me.
Day 5
Well I had a busy day, re arranged the furniture in my room, hopefully the change will help.. then i had to do a reading project which I spent 4 hours on -.- then showered, cleaned the kitchen &worked out a bit.. Im so not looking forward to going to school tomorrow :/ i'll have to see him, yet again :/ i just wish i would get over this already, im SO tired of it you dont even know -.- i get irritated a lot easier, im always in a bad mood and i just wan to be alone all the time. this f*cking sucks man ! ughh im so over this sh*t !!! why cant i just be fine ???? let it go, its over and done with.
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