Best Iapparentlycannotspell Quotes Ever

today marks half a year, six whole months, that i've spent on earth without my best friend; my father.
i'm proud of myself that i've made it this far, but going the rest of my life without him seems impossible.

we didn't know he was sick, there was no way we could've known according to the coroner. he had just helped me move into college five days before he died & four hours before he died i texted him telling him that i was okay and making friends; it was like he waited to know i was alright. he found a way to tell me happy birthday from beyond the grave. i can feel him here with me every single day, but i really want to see him one more time. he always hugged me and made the tears stop when i was hurt, but now i feel so broken and there's no one to make me feel safe. my anxiety has sky rocketed but i'm trying my hardest to get through each day. it's so weird every night not hearing him come home from work, it's so weird being in the house without him; everything is so different. but i've made it this far, i will keep going. i just miss him.
to everyone that has lost a parent- i'm here if you ever want to talk, we can cry together.
to everyone that still has their parents- please cherish every moment, life is so unfair.

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