Best Iloveyouall Quotes Today

I'm sorry guys for never being on here anymore :c 
I hope you forgive me.
I'm going to try to be more active!
If not you can always find me on tumblr okay?


Do me a favour. 

Close your eyes for the next 40 seconds.

No peeking, for the next 40 seconds. Just count.

Do you know what happened?

In the past 40 seconds when you had your eyes closed,

1 person tried to commit suicide.

The majority of suicide attempts are done by teens and adults
aged between 10 - 25.

More than 750,00 people try to commit suicide a year,

all over the world.

Every 38 seconds, someone tried to commit suicide.

Every 16 minutes, someone succeds.

Raise awareness, show support.

I know it might seem pointless, but this is my 1,000 quote and I wanna dedicate it to everyone everywhere.
You are all so beautiful and deserve the best. Miracles can happen. Things get better. But nothing changes wihout your help.
Don't hurt yourself.
Don't hate yourself.
Don't kill yourself.
You are all worth life and more. If you think no one cares, remember that I do. I want to thank everyone I have ever seen, spoken to, listened to, heard about, read about, and met. You have all changed me and made me who I am.
You are all perfect in your own way.
You all shine with extraordinaire from the inside out.
You all make a difference in the world by being here.
Stay and have fun. You deserve the best. You're beautiful in every way possible.
I love you all. From the haters to the lovers. Thank you.

My wish for you
is that this life becomes all that you want it to
your dreams stay big, your worries stay small
You never need to carry more than you can hold
and while you're out there getting where your getting to
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same thing to
Yeah this is my wish.


   I would just like for everyone to read this is try to understand...please. A couple of weeks ago I was forced to block the one I love on several things cause of drama from people who blamed me for what happened. Most likely the one I love and you all know who I am talking about will be reading this. I guess I just want to let everyone know that I didn't do it cause I didn't care or that I didn't want to talk to him, I did it cause I was at my lowest, feeling so low and alone without the one I called my other half, I tried to run from it all...that didn't work he stayed on my thoughts and rocked my dreams and I cried over him so many times I have lost count. I thought running from it all would only made it worse, made me feel like I was even more alone...cause it seemed that no one around me could see or understand why I felt the way I did...all they saw was that he wasn't best for me in their eyes...when I felt was pure love from him in my heart. I know for a whole I won't be able to fix things with him or the people around him who think of me as a terrible person, I don't blame them on some cases...anyways..I guess in the end what I really wish to say is this. I do love you still, and you are still in my mind always...I am so very sorry...
I'm gonna be leaving Witty for a few months. So yeah. Bye. :/

This past week Iv'e been feeling nothing, but terrible. This is one of the reasons to why I haven't been on. And I hope you guys can understand.
I've been feeling emotionally and physcially sick, to the point where I constantly kept on crying and murmuring in my head. Even the thought of me not wanting to exist crossed my mind, but with the help of friends I've been feeling incredibley cared and loved by them. In that moment, I knew that having friends is the most important thing that we could ever cherish and have then anything else. Without friends, we are alone in this world. Having friends by your side who truly care is the best feeling that you could possibly ever feel. Friends always stay and always love you unconditionally. I am so very thankful and grateful to have friends in my life! And also thankful to all my beautiful Wittyians. Thank you for the love and patience that you all have brought me. Because of you guys, I keep on pushing foward, and that is the full truth. I want YOU to know that I love you all so deeply. And I always return the love. You are all family too me.
We are sisters! ❤️

Why do girls come up and ask me ' whos prettier? ' . Look, every girl is pretty / beautiful in there own way, no matter how different there image is, no matter how big or small they are, no matter how different you are... You will always be beautiful on the inside and out :)
You told me to kill myself. 
Maybe i will this time. 
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