Best Itstillhurts Quotes This Year

So basically

Last night, or this morning
at around 00:30

I was in that half asleep - half awake state

And I sat up to take of my hoodie cause I was warm

And I made a move to flop back down onto my pillow

But I missed the pilow by about 2 inches

And banged my head against my side table

And there's a lump there

And it still hurts

3 years ago today is the day that I woke up from a terrible sleep and realized that all I saw and heard the night before wasn't just a nightmare. Everything happened fast, so unbelievably fast.. It was the worst day of my life. But that's a selfish thing to say when my brother isn't here anymore because it was the worst day of HIS life.
So far, time hasn't healed a thing, and to think where we all were 3 years ago, it seems like a brand new wound yet.
Nothing is promised, and nothing should be taken for granted. Not for one single moment. 


I'll get over it eventually,
And maybe even really soon.
But that doesn't make it hurt any less right now.
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