Best Lelouch Quotes This Month

Snow is white because it forgot what color it's supposed to be.
"False tears bring pain to others.
False smiles bring pain to oneself."
"Happiness is like a glass. It may be all around you, yet be invisible. But if you change your angle of view a little, then it will reflect light more beautifully than any other object around you."
When your immortal uncle calls you a psychopath you're in Code Geass.

You can't change the world with pretty words.

"Year 2018. Lelouch vi Britannia, the 11th Prince, and 99th Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire, who had been gifted with the power known as Geass and swore to destroy the world and rebuild it, died in the hands of the terrorist known as Zero. 
After his death, all of the energy which was spent in wars, started to be spent in charity and in good wishes. "

"He climbed up to where the Prince was, and... swish! The sword went right through Lelouch's body." Read  Hana.

"Zero! Zero! Zero! That guy's really amazing, isn't he, Kako-chan?" Exclaimed an adventurous boy called Kenji.

"Uh?  Oh... yeah, yes, he is. "  Said Kenji's and Hana's younger sister.

"When I grow up, I want to be just like him!" Stated Kenji while grinning.

"Ha,ha,ha!" laughed Hana, their older sister. "I think it will take you a long time  to fulfill your wish. You should start by going to sleep; a hero must had slept for him to be able to save the world." she said, with a loving smile to her younger siblings.

Hana closed the book, left it on the night table, and turned off the lights. 

"Good night!" she said,  while walking out of the room.

"Good night!" answered the kids.

Ten years later...

"Kako-chan! Run faster!" Said Kenji, worried.

"Brother! I-Im trying but... I can't! " Answered the girl, wishing to be faster. "What if we never--?

"Kako-chan! Don't worry, we'll soon arrive." Interrupted her brother.

A few meters more and they would arrive... to their Maths class. Both of them studied in Ashford Academy, though, they were new, so always got lost easily. Kenji was a year older than his sister, but he didn't pass fifth grade, so, since then, Kako has been his classmate. Kenji checked his watch. 'Damn, we're already late!!!' he thought as he saw their classroom door.

They stopped running a few meters before they reached the door to regain breath. 

"We made it!" said Kako happily while panting a bit. 

"Yeah, we made it..." said her brother.

They walked to the door and Kenji opened it.

"Sorry we're la--W-what?!" he said, surprised to see that there was none of their classmates nor their teacher, Mrs. Takahashi, but a strange girl with green hair, unknown for him and his sister. 

This girl was sitting in one of the desks, with a lost look, staring into nothing. 

"Uh... excuse me... who--?" Said kako, but was cut off by the odd girl.

"C.C.; call me C.C." 

The ending to Code Geass is so agrivating >.<
"You think ideals alone can change the world?"
-Lelouch vi Brittania
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